Jason x Nathan

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Jason leans back, resting his head on his hand, eyes looking over the young man before him. 

Tracing his restricted form, taking in the muffled grunts and pleasured groans, all of it was so intoxicating.


That way Nathan's black hair fell so gently on his pale chest, his mismatched eyes gaze to him with such lustful intent; made it so hard.... for him to keep his composure, to remain held back and not to take him then and there.

Nathan's muffled moans vibrate out, his head head tossing back as Jason, without moving, turns back on the vibrator on a low setting. He bites his lip softly, watching Nathan squirm and fidget against the toy, his length jerking from the sensations coursing through his body. 


Jason pants softly, shifting his legs to cross the other way. He fought his urge back quickly, he straightens up, tugging one of the ropes binding Nathan a mere few feet in front of him. 

Truth be told he knew of Nathan's relationship with the master of strings. The Puppeteer.

 He was curious, curious more and more to see what state he would be in when tied.  Without much convincing, he lured his new toy into his blue door and with help of his toys and doll, restrained him.

He bites his lip again, adjusting his hips, his hand moving down to tame his desires that are fighting to take him over. He turns it back off, Nathan relaxing back down.


He glanced down, seeing Nathan's hard length pulsing. He grips his chair's arm, before pushing it all back once more and in a fit turning the vibrator back on to a slightly higher setting. 


More muffled moans fill the air, the ropes tugging more only to not yield to him. Nathan's eyes look back down to Jason's that extreme glint of desire within them, pleading for more than what the Toy Maker was teasing him with. The one whom was fighting his curiosity now begging for him.


Jason stands with a quickness, the chair he sat in, falling loudly back. Nathan's eyes did not leave Jason's turn gaze. He growls to himself, his bulge clearly standing out within his attire; the pants not suitable to hide such a reaction.

He pants, then composes himself once more, circling the male; looking over every inch of him.  Nathan now lost in the intense sensation of the vibrations that his gaze had been lost as he closes his eyes.

Jason leans in, undoing the gag from his mouth. He grabs a bit full of hair and roughly forces him to look towards him. With no time to react Jason take Nathan's lips into a deep, and rough kiss, his moans causing Jason's pants to tighten more.


He wanted more.

He needed more, to hear more, to see more, and to feel more of him.

He slides his pointed tongue into Nathan's moaning and groaning mouth, their tongues dancing with one another. For a brief moment Nathan tries to get control of the kiss, his tongue getting aggressive only to be pushed back and dominated by Jason.

Jason pulls away, the two panting, Jason's black hand tangled in Nathan's long, soft hair. He looks at the male, still moaning in ecstasy, his mouth forming his name, but no actual words following.

Jason lets go, looking Nathan over again, spotting how much pleasure Nathan is truly filling as precum drips down his long shaft. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. This will not do... Not yet~" Jason smirks, licking his lips. His green eyes glaring down at Nathan, before turning off the vibrator and taking it away. Nathan shaking in pleasure, panting heavily.

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