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Present day

"Why hello there, Josephine."

Jo turned my way, a full eyebrow arched. "Adam, how many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"Clearly not enough," I grin, looping my arm through hers as we made our way to the student parking lot. I don't normally walk Jo to her car, it's usually Mackenzie on my arm, but I had some important business to talk to her about. Something that wasn't said, well, texted, during Calc.

Oblivious of my thoughts, Jo opened the driver's side door of her car, throwing her bag in the seat. Once she closed it back, she looked up at me with her fiery amber eyes. "So, are you going to tell me or do I have to pretend I don't know what's going on with you?" She crossed her arms over her chest, causing the hem of her t-shirt to rise just enough to show her belly button piercing. I smile, remembering the day she dragged Oliver and me to take her to get it done, mostly because she needed hands to squeeze. I swear half of the things this girl does is more for pissing her parents off than for her own personal needs.

My smile disappears when I remember what she had just said. "Wait, how do you know that my brother is coming this weekend?"

Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion, creating a crease on her forehead. "Whoa, I was talking about Mackenzie wanting to take your virginity, but your brother coming is much more important."

I shush her, looking around the parking lot to make sure the girl herself isn't in earshot. "Geez, announce my sex life to the entire school why don't you?"

"Oh please, there's barely anyone out here. And stop avoiding the subject, your brother coming is a big deal. The only thing you talk about more than Mackenzie is Andrew, so that in itself means you should be ecstatic he's finally coming...yet you look miserable." Her slender fingers reach up to ruffle my hair, then lazily fall to rest at the base of my neck. "Tell me what's going on, Adam. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."

A humorless laugh slips from between my lips, and I trace my bottom lip with my thumb, desperate for words to even slightly depict how I feel. "I wish I knew," I say almost to myself, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Two years ago
"I wish you'd tell me what was going on, mom. Who is that woman? What does she want to talk to me about?" I asked my mom every question that came into my head as I helped set the table for dinner. My mom usually isn't a fan of strangers, so I was especially surprised that she let one stay for dinner.

"Sweetie, just trust me, everything will be explained soon enough." Her hands worked swiftly as she set out three sets of silverware next to the China plates that we only use for special occasions. Whoever this woman was, I got the feeling she was more than just a stranger, and that scared me.

I was used to being isolated, had come to accept it really. Basically my entire life I've spent trapped inside my house. I can never have friends over, or go to them, and the only relative I've seen is my great uncle or something like that. Pretty sure he's just the guy my mom sleeps with when dad has to work extra hours like tonight. The point is, when keeping to yourself is what you've done for fifteen years, how the hell do you just let people in?

"When will she be leaving?" I asked impatiently, pouting like a child. "I want to go back to my room."

My mom smiled, one that didn't quite reach her eyes. I dismissed it at the time, always oblivious to everyone's feelings but my own. "Soon baby, real soon." She handed me a glass of ice water, the bottom already brimming with several drops of water that dripped onto my fingers, down my hands, and disappearing up the sleeve of my shirt. "In the meantime, offer this to her. I'm sure she'd love to get to know you," and with a kiss on my forehead, she sent me off.
Present day
Andrew picked me up at 3:40, ten minutes later than he said he would. And because Hailey was with him, I was stuck riding in the back. I thought driving home would be a miserable time, but I was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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