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He won't shut up he won't shut his trap he won't seal his lips he won't ferme la bushe he won't go away he won't be silent for one god dang second for me to have peace.

Everything I do or say has some regret backed behind it because of him even if was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

"You're an idiot how could you possibly think so positive and that everybody truthfully loves you and you love them back just as much you never do you never know what they think and hey you could've killed some people today of one little thing you did. You left the bathroom light on didn't you? Crack. poof. spark. light. it. up.

You don't even know if he's truthful do you? Hah, I'm laughing at your stupidity. He could be with anyone right now, not or still texting you. You won't stand a chance. He doesn't even like you, who would like you? You barely like yourself, haha."

Sometimes the human brain flips and attacks itself,


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