Silver then Red

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{Hello! If your somehow reading this well this story was just for fun and it kinda filled up my notes so I thought "why not put it on Wattpad to save space" so thats what I did! Im not a good writer so meh. Enjoy!BY THE WAY THIS STORY HAS A LOT OF SUICIDAL STUFF IF THIS ISN'T COMFORTABLE FOR YOU LEAVE NOW PLEASE! Thanks for your time}

Nico's POV
I tripped over myself. I landed face first into the snow. Tears were freezing on my skin. I got up.
I kept running
Far away
To my place
It was rundown, yes. But it was the only place where I could be alone. And it had my art supplies.
My place was a rundown bathroom. You have ever seen those little shacks that have bathrooms? They are randomly in a park somewhat. People say this one was haunted. A man died here once. I didnt care to be honest. I just like to be alone. I walked on in. It was dark and gloomy. There was one light in the whole shack. I looked in the mirror.
I looked like a mess. Blood streamed down my head where my father hit me. A flashback creeped in
"Its all your fault! Its your fault that your mom is dead! That your sister is dead! I have nothing anymore! Except you!
You piece of shit.
Gay motherfucker!
Why aren't you dead! It should have been you! You murderer!
Tears were running down my face. He was right. I should just die. It was my fault they are dead.
I walked into one of the stalls.
I pushed a wall tile. Inside there was a small metal box. My art supplies were in there.
Im a painter. Im able to change colors with the touch of the canvas. As you see
I paint with silver, but
It comes out red
I continued with this pattern over and over again. It felt good. The pain felt good. But it still meant I was alive. So I kept doing it. If I did it long enough I would soon die.
"What are you doing!"
I looked up.
Will's POV
My parents were fighting again. And it was over me of course.
"He's too much to handle!"
"How can you say that!"
"He is! Don't you see! He doesn't attend class anymore. He has no friends. He's in his room all day. He's even gay! That boy is not my son!"
"He is. You have to accept that."
"No way in hell am I accepting that!"
Then my dad hit my mom. He kept hitting her. Over and over. Till he no longer heard her screams. I was scared. Terrified. I could hear my dad crying. Why was he crying? He was the one who stopped her screams. Them dad's crying stopped. I could no longer hear dad.
I yelled out
"Dad?" He didn't respond back.
So I ran out of the house. It was freezing. I only had a small jacket to keep me warm. I should have gotten something warmer. Its too late now I guess. I ran and ran and ran. I had no idea where I was going. I just had to go somewhere other than home. Then I saw the shack. It looked rundown and old. It was paradise in my eyes. I ran as fast as I could inside. I went into one of the stalls.
I cried and cried. But my cries weren't the only ones. I heard another person next to me. I looked under the stall and there was definitely a person in the next stall. I saw something red fall to the floor.
Is that blood?
Is he dying?!
I stood on the toilet seat. I was tall enough to look over the stall. And what I saw was horrible. There was small boy cutting himself with a razor.
"What are you doing!" I yelled out
The boy looked up. His eyes were a chocolate brown and they looked so beautiful. I could myself getting sucked into them.
"I asked you..what in the world are you doing?!" I said once more
"I'm trying to end my suffering, isn't it obvious!" He yelled back
"Why...why! Stop doing this to yourself!" I jumped over the stall to find myself right in front of him.
"Just leave me alone!" I grabbed his wrist (the good one).
"No. This isn't right!"
"I want to die! Im just a failure who deserves to die! Im a sorry excuse for a human.."
"There is nothing so bad you could have done to deserve death!"
"I killed them! My mom and my sister! Their deaths were all my fault!" He started crying again. "it was all my fault...i should have been the one who died...not them..i killed my mother with my own hands. Her blood is on my hands. And because of that my sister committed suicide!" He broke down into tears.
" did you kill your mother" I was taken back when he said that, but I believe this guy wasnt telling the whole truth.
"I was 5 years pretty sure dad abused my mom. So my mother was depressed most of the sister and I tried to cheer her up, but we weren't enough. We were really poor. Our house was nothing but trash. And my father blamed our mom. Thats why he hit her a lot. Then one day...i went into her room. She had a gun to get head. I couldn't stop a failure. I couldn't save my own mother."
I slapped him
"That was not your fault! Your mom had too much. She couldn't handle it anymore. It wasnt because of you. It was because of your father. If you're gonna blame someone, blame your dad!"
"No buts. It wasnt your fault."
He still had the razor in his hand. He looked at his wrist.
"Your wrong...i need to die!" He yelled as he start cutting, deep cuts.
I grabbed the razor out of his hand. I flinched as the sharp ends pierced my skin.
"Stop this! Your mother and sister wouldn't want this!"
"Yes they do! They want me to die! To go to hell! It was my fault and I need to accept my punishment"
"Your just hurting others when you do this!"
"Who am I hurting? I have no one anymore"
"Your hurting me..."
I grabbed the razor and pierced my skin.
One cut
"What are you doing-"
Two cuts
Three cuts
Four cuts
I pulled him up.
"I'll stop if you stop"
He had tears running down his face. I wiped them away.
"We can live through this shit of a world...together. That will be your punishment"
He looked at me in shock. He just nodded.
"Good.." I threw the razor into the toilet and flushed it down.
"You won't be needing that anymore.." I smiled at him. "Lets get out of here now" I grabbed his hand as we walked out of the stall. I suddenly realized that we had nowhere to go. So we ended up staying inside the shack. I sat and motioned him to sit down next to me. I pulled him closer to me. "Its cold so stay close" I whispered into his ear. His eyes stared into mine. I saw that he was blushing. All I could do was smile. "Hey.." He looked up. "My name is Will...whats yours?"
That name would mean so much to me later on. Of course I didnt know that yet. But I did know that we had a connection. I kept thinking about all these things as I drifted to sleep with Nico by my side.

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