Zayn Fight Imagine-Part1

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You sat in the living room in front of the T.V. desperately waiting to hear the sound of a car pulling up. You were pretty much used to staying up until your boyfriend Zayn came home, until very recently.

But things had been changing the last few months. Zayn and you were no longer the happy couple that you used to be. There was no coming home early, late night talking, or movies.

Zayn got drunk too often, came back home in the wee hours of the morning, and gave you excuses that really didn’t seem true. You did not really like to spy on him, but when you confirmed with the other lads, you found out that his excuses of being out or working with the band were all fake. And then, yesterday, you found him kissing some chick in the mall.

So now you were waiting for him to come, and you were ready to confront him. Sometime after midnight, you heard Zayn open the door. He seemed surprised to see you up, cause you had long since ditched the habit of staying up for him.

“What?”He asks you irritably, as you stare at him blankly.For once, he wasn’t drunk.

“I think that’s what I should be asking you, Malik.”You said. You were scared of having this conversation; you did not know what it might lead to.

“What do you mean?”He asked, as he made his way to the kitchen.

‘You know well what I mean!”You screamed, angry that he couldn’t take you seriously.”Do you even care that you have a girlfriend who wants to spend time with you?All you can do is hook up with sluts right?Get drunk, lie to those who love you, and kiss other girls!!”

“Who told you about that?”He asked you surprised.There was no sign of guilt on his face.

“I saw it with my own eyes,mister”you screamed,unable to take it any longer.”I-am-leaving!!We are over.I hate you!”you spat at him.

You ran up to your room, and started packing all your stuff.You were back to the living room within a few minutes to see that Zayn had not moved an inch.There were tears streaming down his face, but you didn’t care.

“At least stay the night “He begged but you were in no mood to listen.

“Where are you gonna sleep?”He tried again.

“I”ll sleep in the car if I have to, Zayn it’s none of your business”You replied.

There were tears on your face, too.This was a two year relationship you were ending.You had never been with anyone this long,but you had no choice.You just could not bear the hurt you felt right now.Zayn cheating on you was something you could not imagine.

You slammed the door shut behind yourself and got into your car.You had no one you could go to, so you drove your car towards nowhere.You stopped your car somewhere and decided to spend the night here.When you checked your phone, you found out that there were 32 missed calls from him.But you chose not to answer.When you shut the door to the house earlier,you shut the door to your heart,too

Zayn Fight Imagine-Part1Where stories live. Discover now