KAF: (3)

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I sat on the counter with the receiver cradled against my ear. I was talking to a complete stranger. This mystery woman had the sexiest voice that ever flowed into my ears. I wanted to get to know her better, so I spent the last half hour, ignoring the flashing lights on the phone and continued asking her the same question to extend our conversation.

“So what was it that you wanted on your pizza again?”

“You’re being cute with me, aren’t you?”

Hey, it seems to be working. “Why not?”

She chuckled. The best chuckle I ever heard. It was rather sweet. “So when are you planning to seriously take down my order?”

“Only if the order includes me.”

Dylan might be sweet with his mouth, but you could say that I capable of being sweeter.

“Oh, it’s like that, huh?” she teased.

“Only with you.”

“If you didn’t sound so sweet, I might have hung up half hour ago.”

“My voice is not the only sweet thing about me.”

Women in general enjoyed it whenever a man teases them. This stranger in particular, was enjoying way too much. You could say the same for me. I could go on listening to her voice for hours. “Really? Do you look as sweet as you sound?” she asked.

“I should ask you the same question.”

“Don’t you have other calls to take care of?”

“Yes, but they’re not important as this one.”

“And what makes this one so important?”

“Because I find it hard to hang up,” I replied.

“Fine. How about we make a deal. I want you to personally deliver this pizza to my place.”

I sat up fully, my heart leaping with excitement. “This is no joke right?”

“Not at all. Here, get down the address.”

I slid off the counter, frantically searching for a pen. There was no pen in sight. “Hold on a minute. I seem to have lost my pen.”

I must’ve had dropped it. Sh*t! How could I have been so careless? I got down on all fours and started searching and then someone held a pen to my face. I looked up to find L standing above me, shoving the pen in my face. I stood up and snatched the pen off of her, giving her an accusing glare. Did she steal my pen?

Ah wells, no time to blame her, I had to get down the address. Turning around, I said, “Found it.”

“Okay---” Her voice was suddenly cut off.

F*ck!! I lost my chance because someone had disconnected my phone line. I spun around, ready to burst at L. However, it wasn’t her standing there, it was Uncle Henry. He quickly reached out to snatch the receiver from my grasp. “I’m not even going to ask you what the hell you’ve been doing this last half hour. If it wasn’t for L answering all the other calls, I probably would have chopped off your head and serve it on a platter for the customers. Now listen carefully to me when I say this. I want you to make a delivery for me.”

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