Just Accept the Love

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I get up, turn my back towards her and walk away disappointed. She rushes towards me, then grabs me saying "a deals a deal". She then slid her hand down my shirt, her head on my shoulder. I can feel her smiling as she drags me back to her room. I refuse to lay down and stand beside the girls bed, while she sit on it. She opens her arms and softy says "come here please". I reply with a stern "no" she glares at me so I reply again "no" she looks a little sad this time so I calmly say "but thanks anyways". The girl's fist begin to form fire around them and I think "am I about to be hurt again" but as soon as I ready myself for a hit the flames extinguished. I ease up and say to her "I thought you were going to do something" with a quiet chuckle. She look up with a grin and says "I am" and right after that she pulls me onto her bed I struggle to get up but she holds me down and while laughing says "you should conserve your strength since you battle and I'm not letting you go". I struggle a bit more till I realize she is right so I stop, lay down and rest. All off a sudden I feel a leg on mine a hand in my shirt and breasts on my back. I feel a peck on the top of my head. I look up to feel soft warm lips on my forehead her hand slowly creeped down my shirt going into my pants. Her body got closer and until she was basically over half my body. I tried to get up but she pulled me back wrapped her legs around my waist and crossed her arms over my chest. I could feel the warmth of her body as she hugged me tightly, she had a slight rapid heart beat. I could sense she was happy and a little excite She was warm i liked it, so I gave her a peck on her arm to let her known I'll finally had accepted the cuddling.

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