my first incident with a bully

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I was in 3th grade in what basically happened is I was being picked on buy a couple of kids in my class and what they were saying was really nasty stuff they were calling me really bad names just leave it at that I was going through a hard time at that time because my grandfather just passed away and they didn't give a fuck so when I was in my one class we're walking back me and my bullies of course and one of them stop by a little doorway and the other was waving at me I didn't think anything of it until the other one jumped out and attacked me and what happened nothing happened to them no instead I got in trouble for it that's what you get for going to Wyoming Valley Waste and then it started getting worse I was in 4th grade this year I was in the girls bathroom trying to go do my girl business and they open the stall and nearly saw my underwear and it didn't stop there the they started calling me with names and becoming even more violent to where they were now slamming me into lockers and stuff like that they also tried to punch me a couple times on to the next year in fifth grade it started to die down a little but not for long first few weeks it was fine next it was the worst time of my life I hated my life I thought of committing suicide but I said I'm not going to let them win they don't deserve the pleasure everytime something happens to someone else I take the hit for them so they deserve to live on like me that's what I thought people started making fun of me even more when they realize I had a medical condition that made me fall over it still does to this day I have a twisted shin bone what that means is my shin bone Curves and end it makes my foot go to the side and I trip over my own foot and I can't help it next year 6th grade I was in gym class and I was running around and doing laps basically when a girl came up behind me and started choking me and then I stabbed her with a pencil I got 3 days of lunch detention she got one day next thing that happened was I was slammed into a locker nothing happened to that girl but what did I get ISS in school suspension for once again trying to take the girl off of me but I didn't do it next thing happened kid with threatening to have me arrested by his father after that I started getting really aggravated so I went to the principal I told him exactly what was happening he did nothing he said he didn't know that that the kid I was talking about his dad was the chief of police of my town well how is that possible you're on fucking Council in this town next year 7th grade still getting slammed into lockers by the way it is getting worse because they were slamming me by my back which I have scoliosis curvature of the spine so I don't know why but it hurt every time they just called me when the worst name next year 8th grade still the same basically but there were more Liars my friends abandoned me I found out I was bisexual and I started to do a research paper on bullying I had a paper that is a bunch of signatures for bullying even one even people from my mom's work. I got Mamma gerrity's and that's basically where it ends for now I'm still working on getting rid of bullying my model is don't be a bully be a hero

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