ways to avoid bullying

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1. When you walk in the hall and you see kids coming at you you go the other way and pay no mind to them
2. Try not to make yourself a Target try not to be weak try to be strong
3. Tell the teacher
4. Tell the bullies stop don't let them get to you
5. Stand your ground do not let them take your territory you let them take it you made yourself a Target that's what happened to me so don't be an ass like me
6. Don't let them see you cry you have to be strong and brave they punch you you punch right back 10 times harder though
7. stand up for other kids who are being bullied don't take the hit for them show the you're a Shield
8. Stand tall do not slouch
9. Make yourself look tough
10. Show me a better than them but not bowing

 Show me a better than them but not bowing

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Don't be a bully be a hero

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