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*So you know, lately Jerrie is been kind of dead so that's me pretending they realize it and they want to fix it... not gonna happen in real life but you know, one can dream, right? Hope you enjoy it :)*

Jade felt guilty. It had been Perrie's birthday three days ago and even if she published an Instagram collage with a little caption, she thought it wasn't enough. At the same time though, she didn't want a "Jerrie" revolution so she didn't want to risk changing the caption now or adding anything else. At the end she was on Perrie's birthday party and that was what really mattered.

Perrie was laying on her couch scrolling down on Instagram and texting some friends as she was on holiday and she wanted to relax as much as possible. Soon she found herself stalking Jade's Instagram until she saw last year's birthday wishes she posted. It was beautiful. This time though, the collage was cute but the caption was just four lines. She kept scrolling down and found a lot of pics of them two with captions like "me and my queen" or "my Pez" or "me and ma bitch". She scrolled up this time and there was not even one pic of them. What had happened? Perrie felt sad, she really felt like they were roushing down a slide that was leading to simple "friends" when they used to be so close.

Before she could really think about it, she was dialing Jade's number. A beep. Two beeps.

- Hello? - Jade said from the other side of the line

- Oh, hi Jadey - Perrie said calm

- Hi Pez! What's up? - Jade said, a little worried something was wrong

- Are you doing anything at the moment? - Perrie asked with a question

- I was packing, I leave tomorrow with Jed to the States for a performance he has... but if it's important I can come - Jade managed to say

- No, it's fine, keep packing, see you! - Perrie said a little bothered but trying to hide it.

- Alright, bye! - she heard Jade saying but Perrie was already finishing the call with the red button on the screen of her phone

Perrie couldn't really remember when or how, but things between them had happened, everything had changed. She felt replaced by Jed. She had no problem with him at all and he made Jade happy so Perrie was happy too but... she really felt replaced by him. Thinking about all this and remembering what they used to be, she fell asleep with her phone on her chest.

An hour later, still with her eyes closed and half asleep, she heard her mum talking with someone. She couldn't recognise that voice right now as she was still waking up but it was familiar... so familiar... wait, was it Jade?

-... I'm sure she'll not mind you waking her up - she heard her mum saying to that person with Jade's voice

She soon felt someone sitting next to her and a hand on her shoulder

- Pez... hey... - a soft voice said

Perrie made a huge effort to open her eyes slightly and she saw a blurry brunette. A few seconds later she got to focus. It was Jade. Why was she there? Wasn't she supposed to be packing?

- Jade? What are you doing here? - Perrie said still not being able to keep her big blue eyes open

- I felt something weird in your voice when you called me... - she said - ... I had to make sure everything was okay... - she continued saying

- It's okay - Perrie said, sitting so she was not lying and feeling sleepy anymore - well, actually, it's not okay - she said, smiling nostalgic

- What is up? - Jade asked worried

- Us - Perrie said while looking for a pic on her phone

Before Jade could say anything, Perrie was showing her a picture of both of them from just a year ago.

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