Awkward (romantic)

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Perrie's P.O.V

There she was! I was leaving the cab with some other friends when I saw a georgeous figure with a yellow jumpsuit standing in front of me. Jade. She looked insanely amazing. Her hair wavy to one side, high heels and red lips. And that yellow jumpsuit she was wearing showed all her chest and half of her back. I was seriously amazed at how beautiful she looked.

- Hi Jadey! - I said walking to where she was

- Hi Pez! - she said with a smile - you look stunning! - she said scanning me with her eyes

- And what about you? If I was a guy I'd be already all over you! - I told her raising my eyebrows

She laughed and then we got into the club. It was our favourite club, we went there everytime we were in London. It was so fancy and lately we had been loving going out clubbing.

We got in there with some other friends and we ordered a few drinks. A bit of alcohol never killed anyone. After sitting and chatting for a while we decided to go to the dance floor. The bit of alcohol we had already drunk was staring to bring us high and we were all hype.

We were dancing when we decided to go out for a second to breath a bit of fresh air. We held hands to not lose each toher among the crowd and went out of the club. Once we were out, filling our lungs with fresh air, I started feeling a little dizzy.

- Uuuh, I'm feeling dizzy already... - I said smiling bringing a hand to my forehead

- Wow, and you haven't even drunk that much yet - Jade said

- I know... I only have one way to fix this - I said

- How? Going back home? - Jade laughed

- Are you kidding me? It's still early for that - I protested - let's go in and have a few shots

- You will never change - Jade said shaking her head

- Good things never change - I said proud of myself

Jade laughed and took my hand to go back inside. Once in we went straight to the bar and we started taking a few shots together and soon two of our friends joined us.

Half an hour later, we were dancing like crazy, drunk of course. I actually don't remember most of it. All I know is that we were having fun dancing around until one of our friends came to us.

- Hey girls, don't you think it's time to come back? - she said, looking tired

- Nooo! - I protested

- Come on Perrie, don't you think you had already enough for today? - Jade told me

Honestly, both Jade and I were pretty drunk, me the most I think so I accepted.

We exited the club and tried to look as put together as possible as there were a few paparazzis taking pictures.

Jade and I laced our arms together (as walking straight was becoming a challenge) and our friend put us in a cab together.

- x -

Next thing I remember is my terrible headache. I woke up the next morning with a really bad headache. Oh my God, again I had too much. I woke up and went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed an aspirin and a glass of water. Jesus, why did I always end up doing this to myself? Well done, Edwards.

After the pill I ate a couple of toasts with nutella (why not?) and when I was done with the toasts I prepared myself a cup of coffee.

I was starting to feel better so while I was drinking the coffee I scrolled down on my phone. Twitter was crazy as our pics from last night were everywhere and people was losing their shit with "Jerrie". I started to laugh at some tweets that were hilarious. Even though I didn't notice the paparazzis taking those specific pics, I couldn't avoid staring at Jade. She seriously looked amazing last night. I was still scrolling down on Twitter when I got a text from Jade.

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