Siblings. Supermarkets. Skittles

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London & Anthony’s Epic Misadventure

Siblings. Supermarkets. Skittles

I could feel my cell phone vibrate like the beast that it was in my back pocket. After giving my brother a daring look, one just aching with a punishment if he takes off his pants one more time, before I turned from the boy. I could hear his giggles from behind me as he ran down our small houses hallway with a scream of something like “Marty, party, lemon farty!” and I just shook my head at the kid as he ran to our little sisters room. When I pulled out my cell phone, I saw the small flash of a light from the top corner that winked towards a received text. Despite myself, I could feel a small smile crack across my face. But, before I could read what it said, I heard my baby sister start to cry.

     Whirling around with anger, I shouted out “Jimmy Tebiathe Stone, what are you doing!” at a lovely eight o’clock in the morning. Good thing our neighbors were mostly drunks, passed out far from the point of waking up.  Stomping down the corridor, for the moment completely forgetting the text I had received, I swung the door to my room open and the auburn hair six year old looked at me with wide, innocent eyes.

     “I didn’t do it!” he shouted instantly with his hands raised up in surrender. I gave him another one of my stern looks as I stalked passed him and to the crib that was placed next to my bed. My demeanor instantly shifting into coddling mode as I looked over the wooden bars that had held both my little brother and myself. Picking up the crying one year old, I cooed a soft tone and patted her back, holding her to my side. Again, I turned and looked at my brother. Then, the text message that I had discarded to take care of my crazy family suddenly flashed through my mind. Juggling my sister and walking out of my bedroom, I pulled out my cell phone once again and red the message.

     -Knock. Knock.-

     That was all. I frowned down at the message for a moment, pausing in my trek forwards and back into the living room. I could feel my little sister, Marty, finally calming down in my arms. Then, I hear a knock, knock on the front door and walked over our door instead. I wondered who it could be. At eight in the morning? Must be a crazy person or something… at least I would have an excuse to get rid of them. I had to go, time was being wasted. As I pulled open our front door, I wondered slightly in Anthony was going to make it. But then my eyes connected with those oceanic green ones I was quickly recognizing as a one of a kind sight.

     “Anthony,” I sounded meek and surprised to my own ears.

     “You seem like you were expecting someone else…?” he smirked at me with that quirked brow.

     “No…” I turned away from him and looked to my little brother Jimmy, making sure he was behind me. “No, just slightly frazzled.” I walked away from the door and left it open for the man to come in at his own free will.

     “Do you need help?” he wondered and sauntered into the room.

     “I got it.”

     “Here,” he said and suddenly, a bronzed arm was reaching past me to the baby bag that I had been grabbing for. I gave a slight gasp of surprise and jumped at the sudden breach of my personal bubble. Stumbling to keep myself standing with my fat little sister in my arms was actually quite hard to accomplish. But with a hand to steady me, I soon found my footing again. I couldn’t help the blush that spread from cheek to cheek and I busied myself with something that wasn’t right next to that baseball playing man-whore. I could hear his chuckle follow shortly and didn’t know if the next blush was from embarrassment or a rueful anger.

London & Anthony's Epic Misadventureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें