Booze. Boys. Bean's

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London & Anthony’s Epic Misadventure

Booze, Boys & Bean’s 

I cringed as I read Anthony’s text. He spoke to my father? That couldn’t have been good. And what was he even doing home for that matter? Shaking my head, I quite thinking of my father at a time like this. I was at work for crying out loud. And at that moment, I was reminded that I had a job to do. “Excuse me miss,” some pompous woman with a laptop sticking out of her bag announced herself. “I would like a double half cafe with no whip cream but sweetener and 2%milk.”

     Sliding my phone into my back pocket, I looked to the register with a mumbled reply and punched in the woman’s order. I told her the price and handed her the receipt before she stormed off to the pickup spot dramatically. I looked after her, slightly hating my job for that moment. Odd characters came into our little hole in the wall establishment. No one else was in line to order so I quickly replied to Anthony—the annoying jerk that he was.

     -What did my dad tell you?!

      You’re a jerk. But at least it’s not like you’re going to come to my house and physically drag me away and off to whatever your little mind is cooking up.-

     I smiled triumphantly as I reread the text. But I was slightly wary what the dirty blond had in mind. And then I added ‘or to my job’ because that would be the worst thing ever to see that twerp coming in through those doors to make a big scene with that stupid smirk of his. I bet he had that smirk on earlier when he told my boss that my grandma had died… even though I had already attended her funeral a long time ago.

     I looked over my shoulder and just in time, my boss ducked her head below the window to the back where the coffee shop kept all of the beans, creams, fridges and etcetera, etcetera. I did tell her that it was all just a miss understanding and that I didn’t need the day off because of my ‘loss’. But, for some odd reason, the woman did not believe me and was watching my every move like I was going to burst into tears at any moment.


     The coffee shop that I worked most of my afternoons at was quite slow for the moment. Odd seeing as it was a Saturday afternoon. But there I stood, or more like slouched with one hand cupping my chin. I drummed my free hand on the counter rhythmically but not even five minutes went by before I received another text.

     -Knock, knock, Londie ;)

     I stared at the screen for a moment, confused. But then I remembered what had happened last time that an incomplete text like this buzzed through to my phone. And just like that, the doorway gave a jingle of a customer and I looked up slowly. I really hoped that it was a customer. But that would mean that the dirty blond was at my front door of my house… which was even more terrible. I groaned aloud when my eyes met with amused green ones.

     “Londie!” the boy shouted in that posh British accent that was murder to my ears (even if that was a lie (but I’m mad at the boy. What can you expect?)). I didn’t reply to him and gave Anthony a bland look. But he just grinned, walking farther into the shop and to the checkout counter.

     “Didn’t you get my text?” I whispered to him, leaning over the counter to not be heard in the lively din of the coffee shop. But, a few customers that were seated near the cash register turned to look at our conversation like nosy people. I looked at them with a quick glare before seeing out of the corner of my eye my coworker.

     I kneaded the bridge of my nose for a moment knowing that the blabbermouth that was watching me with a small smile would soon interject herself into this conversation. “Oh, I ignored that.” I looked at Anthony through my fingers with narrowed eyes as he grinned easily with that blinding smile. “I thought you wanted me to do the exact opposite of what you told me too.” The boy lazily rested him forearms on the counter and we had a slight staring match—me glaring and him smirking. His eyes were actually beautifully hypnotic and I clenched my jaw, trying to hold out for a moment longer.

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