chptr 2: Roommates

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Caden POV

My lawyer left about 10 minutes ago. Leaving Dallas, the twins and I sitting on the couch. I haven't said anything. They don't deserve it. I only stare at them.

Kingsley has tried to talked to me but I just stared back. Xavier seems to look madder and madder every minute that goes by. Good.

I look over at Dallas. she nods over at them. I just roll my eyes. Not happening.

She pulls her phone out and starts tapping. Soon my phone dings and its a text from her.

DBaby: Talk to them! Find out why they didn't show up.

I huff. Fine! Dallas always knows best.

"She died" I say looking at the twins. Their heads snap up and they look directly at me.

"you made me go to your fathers funeral. Yet where were you during my mothers?" I say. My voice cracks when I say mothers.

"Caden, we didn't know she died until this morning" Kingsley says fast. He sits up and looks at me. His voice is deep and hot. Hey I can look, just not touch.

"liar" I whisper harshly.

"Caden." Xavier says standing up. He hasn't said anything since he's been here. I look up at him.

He pulls out his phone and pushes something on the screen.

He sees it down and someone starts talking. A voice mail.

"Hi, This is Maria Gonzalez. Lucy Damian-Edwards and Derek Edwards lawyer. Im am sorry for your loss of Lucy, but I do need you come back to their home because you are mentioned in Lucy's will. Once again I'm sorry for your loss." Then its over.

Tears are forming in my eyes, but I make sure they don't fall.

"This was yesterday, about midday. We were in a meeting then, and we check out messages every morning." Xavier explains. His glaze toward me is hard.

I say nothing.

"So did your mother leave you any money, because I heard she sold the house?" Kingsley asks.

"She left me absolutely nothing" I mumble. They both frown.

Kingsley picks up the will that Maria left.

"well it says that we have to take care of you" Kingsley smirks. I frown.

This makes me stand up this time.

"I don't need your help. I haven't needed it for over a year!" I yell.

"But you have no where to go" Kingsley says standing up. Now everyone is standing up. Except Dallas. She left the room.

"and? Dallas mom loves me, she will let me stay with her until I get a job and save up for a apartment." I say crossing my arms.

"No! You will not do that!" Xavier yells. He's getting angry.

"well what the fuck else am I suppose to do?" I yell back.

"Watch your mouth!!" he says darkly.

I scoff. "Your not my father or my mother" I say. The only people I respected are dead now.

"Caden. We won't let you stay here and struggle for a living. What about college? Its going to be so hard" he say. He kind of looks worried and almost desperate. but he covers it up with a emotionless look.

"well if I went with you what would I do there! I'd do the same thing, instead I would be homeless! where do you even live?" I ask. What about Dallas?

"We live in Miami Florida, where our dads main stores and building are at. " Xavier explains.

"yes, and plus the womens line in our clothing line is getting a little manly and people aren't liking that. we need a women's touch." Kingsley starts. what? where is he going with this?

"meaning?" I ask confused.

"meaning we will give you complete control over the women's line" Xavier says arching his eyebrow.

My eyes widen.

"what the hell. complete control??" I say.

"yes, meaning you can decide on how everything looks, how you want things placed. what material. how much you want it to be worth, just think of it and you can do it. we know your style Caden. it will be perfect. Plus we've been thinking we can try a makeup line. " Kingsley smiles.

Holy fucking shit.

"he left out the no budget part. whatever you need you will have. we trust you enough to do this. we are a multi-trillion dollar company." Xavier smirks. They're fucking trillionaires. Do those even exist?

"We have a home there. 12 master bedrooms and 16 master baths. Plenty of room for you and Dallas if she can come."

Aweeee shit. I'm practically going to be a trillionaire over night. Y'all got me fucked up if you think im going to give this up.


.. . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . ... .

I run upstairs to tell Dallas everything! she screams happily. because if this taking over the woman's line is true she's definitely helping me.

"I definitely want to come." She smiles.

She moved in with me when we graduated high school because her family moved to Ireland and she didn't want to go.

Definitely can't wait. Maybe the twins and I can get along.


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