chptr 1: The Will

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Okay the first couple of chapters are going to be a little slow because I'm just introducing everybody and kind of setting everything up. But I plan on this book being pretty steamy.



This day, I never thought I would ever have to see this day. I watch as they lower my mother's casket into the ground. Tears won't stop coming down from my eyes. I can't take it. She's all I had left.

My father died when I was five. So then my mother married this rich man, Derek, who turned to my stepfather. He had twin boys, Xavier and Kingsley. Step father died and when the twins graduated high school they both took over their fathers business which was a very expensive clothing company. I haven't seen them in over a year and a half.

They haven't even came to my mother's funeral. I have no one. Only my best friend Dallas. She's like the sister I never had.

I didn't want to go to my stepfather's funeral because I didn't want to believe that my second father had died. But the twins forced me, telling me to respect their father. So I went. it was only the right thing to do.

But they are fucking hypocrites. They better not ever come back.

I look around and I see everyone already walking away. I only see my best friend Dallas standing next to me. Wearing a all black skater dress. her bright pale pink hair standing out.

I couldn't help it, I cried even more.

"awe baby, come here" she says pulling me into a hug. she rubs my back.

"everyone always leaves me. promise me you will never leave" I cry. She nods fast.

"I promise babes. I promise"

.... .... .... .... .... .... ....

The next morning I don't even bother to get out of bed. I'm emotionally drained which means I'm physically drained. I plan on just laying here all day.

That was the plan until my bedroom slams open.

"up up" Dallas yells and opens the curtain.

"hey! let me lay here until I die" I mumble. obviously not meaning it.

"how about hell no. your lawyer called. She said she's going to be here to talk to you" Dallas says. She stands with her hands on her hips. Ugh she won't let this go.

"fine fine. but you do know my mothers funeral was yesterday right?" I exclaim getting up and making my way to the bathroom.

"well, your mother wouldn't want you to just lay there forever. she would want you to move on with your life." Dallas yells back.

she was right. my mother would want that. she told me that both times my father's died.

"as long as you don't forget them sweety, its okay to move on. enjoy your life while you still have it"

I tear up at the memory.

I shake it off and get in the shower. When I'm out I blow dry my shoulder length hair and throw it up in a messy bun. I go into my room, with a towel wrapped around myself of course.

I put on some underwear and a bra. then yoga pants and a oversized flanal. My stepfather always wore one on his days off. since he was a very professional man, he always wore suites. From his clothing line of course.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where my lawyer Maria and Dallas were chatting.

I sit down at the table,

"hello Caden." Maria says. I just do a simple head nod.

"how are y-"

"I'm fine" I cut her off. "I'm sorry if this comes off rude but what did you want?" she asks.

"oh right, of course. well since you are 18 you don't have to worry about foster care or anything like that. But if I'm wrong, please correct me, but Derek Damian, your stepfather died before your mother right?"

I simply nod

"he gave his own business to his sons. but he gave the house to your mother. what did he give you?" she asks.

"um his Porche Cayman, his favorite car." I say simply. She looks over at Dallas.

"he just gave me some clothing off of his clothing line" she says smiling.

yes Dallas got something, she was practically family.

"right, well here is your mothers will." she says.

since when did she have a will.

"it states here, that the house, oh deary." she says her eyes widening.

"what?" I ask frowning.

"she sold the house"

"WHAT!" I yell. Where am I suppose to live?.

"she gave everything else to charity."

"what the fuck!" I yell again. "does she not remember that she has a daughter!"

the lawyer flinches. good she better be scared.

"well the e-end says that the Twins will take care of you" she says. oh no.

suddenly there is a knock on the door. now I'm confused.

I walk into the living room. I open the door.

"shit" I mumble.

there stands Xavier and Kingsley.


Okay it may not be the best first chapter but it kind of starts everything. I'm kind of excited to write this story.

 Step Brothersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें