A Helping Hand...?

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As the people came nearer to Teddy cradling Lily's mangled body, trying to keep her alive, he noticed that upon closer examination, these people didn't seem too friendly looking. There were two teenagers, a boy and a girl, and a middle aged man in a wheelchair. The teenaged boy was ridiculously tan and muscular, with a mop of messy hair on his head. His eyes were a deep sea blue, but instead of looking bright like the sea usually does, they looked cold and hard, like the sea did now. The girl was surprisingly muscular as well, and had curly blonde hair tied back in a ponytail and stormy gray eyes. The guy in a wheelchair had curly brown hair and a matching beard, and wore a flannel and dress shoes. The kids had matching orange shirts that read, "Camp Half Blood, Long Island Sound", and overall looked like they wanted to kill Teddy.

"Young man, what has happened to your sister?" The guy in the wheelchair asked, a grave look on his face.

"Ok, I'm not supposed to tell you like at all, so all that matters right now is that we find her arm and leg so I can Heal her and be on my way," Teddy says, ignoring the sister part, because otherwise he could be mistaken for a murder. A streak of lightning cracked across the sky, thought there was no rain.

The boy rolled his eyes at the sky, and the girl started whispering into the Wheelchair Guy's ear somewhat excitedly. The Wheelchair Guy shushed the girl, saying, "Annabeth dear, it's too soon to say that," to which this Annabeth scoffed but stopped talking, and instead started whispering to the boy. Wheelchair Guy tilted his head up and said to no one in particular, "My Lord, permission to let two mortals access our secrets on account of saving a life?"

The sky flashed again, and this time both the boy and Annabeth rolled their eyes. Wheelchair Guy turned to me and said, "Follow me, son. Quickly."

Teddy followed him, and the boy and Annabeth followed me. Everything seemed normal, so he was kind of confused with the whole "permission" thing, but the second he passed a certain point, everything changed. Instead of the sky being overcast, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The supposed "strawberry farm" turned into a giant three story farm house, and the fields were halved in size and were replaced by odd looking mini houses. Each one had a different style, and there were dozens scattered around a fountain area. There was a dining pavilion next to a giant fire pit, and nearby there was a forest bordered by volleyball courts, archery fields, an arena of some sort, and a lake.

"Percy, go to the lake and retrieve this poor girl's limbs," Wheelchair Guy says to the boy, and he starts jogging towards the lake. There are a few people in the volleyball court, and some of them have goat legs... as costumes? Otherwise, this camp is surprisingly empty for a camp.

"Annabeth, go tell Argus we have... mortals that need healing," Wheelchair Guy says to Annabeth, and she jogs to the big farm house, and it's just me, Wheelchair Guy, and Lily. Teddy is starting to really worry about her, because his whole shirt, which was once olive green, is now a dark, crimson red splotch that's still spreading.

"Hey, um, so, I think Lily is kind of dying here, is there any way to speed this up, or..." he says to Wheelchair Guy, and he turns his head to me, but he keeps moving his chair forward.

"Who are you, and how did you get here?" Wheelchair Guy asked, his voice taking on a darker tone.

Teddy sighed, and decided to tell truth. He couldn't live knowing he was responsible for Lily's death. "I'm a wizard. Lily is a witch. She goes to Hogwarts, my godfather is Harry Potter. She convinced me to teach her how to Apparate even though she's underage, but she didn't do it right and brought us here. I didn't know where she was taking us, and because she did it wrong she got herself Splinched, which is why she's missing an arm and a leg. Need any more convincing?"

Wheelchair Guy nodded, seemingly satisfied for some reason. "Annabeth was right," he mumbled as Teddy and him stepped into the big farm house. He led Teddy down a hall and into a room, where there were a bunch of cots lined up and a wall to wall cabinet full of various medical supplies. There were so many windows and the sunlight was starting to give him a headache, but there was a weird nurse guy with a bunch of eye stickers and Annabeth standing next to a bed that looked ready for operation. He placed Lily on that bed, and Wheelchair Guy said, "Go wash up. There's a bathroom second door on your left."

Teddy shrugged, and went out of the room. But before he could get out of earshot, he heard Wheelchair Guy say, "Annabeth, you were right. Harry Potter is real. Argus, start the surgery. But, I think a drop or two of nectar would speed things along."

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