Two World's United

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Teddy rushed to the bathroom and quickly shut the door. He leaned over the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. His usually bright, turquoise hair was now a limp, mousy brown, and his eyes had turned a muddy green/brown color. But the most noticeable thing was the look of shock on my face. What did they mean, 'Harry Potter is real'? Are we not real all of a sudden? And what are they, huh? Don't I deserve to know that too?, he thought, the thoughts swirling around in his head like a tornado. He decided to ask Wheelchair Guy what the heck was going on. But before he could so much as open the door, Wheelchair Guy rolled in, and said, "Follow me."

Teddy followed Wheelchair Guy into a parlor of sorts. There was a roaring fireplace even though the sun was shining outside, and a giant leopard head bust mounted on the wall. There was a simple wooden table and chairs set in front of the fireplace, and there was an abandoned game of poker splayed across the table. Teddy sat gingerly on the chair closest to the fire, facing Wheelchair Guy.

"Tell me your name, son," Wheelchair Guy said.

"Teddy. Teddy Lupin," Teddy said, wondering where this was going.

"And that's not your sister, is it."

"No, she's my godfather's daughter."

"Close enough," Wheelchair Guy said, leaning towards me. "Spoiler alert: she's gonna survive. She just has to go through a few days of recovery, and she'll be fine. Sore, but fine."

Teddy laughed, and said, "Oh thank God! Ok, so what are you guys? You guys obviously thought Harry Potter and my world was fake until a couple hours ago, so what are you exactly?"

Wheelchair Guy sighed, and said, "Annabeth has read all about your world, so there's no need for you to explain. However, you cannot fully understand our world, for you are still a mortal. However, you have magic in your blood, so you can be... convinced of believing some truths. The Greek gods and goddesses of Ancient Greek mythology never died. They still live among us even to this day. I am a mythical beast, and the Activities Director at this camp. All the campers are sons and daughters of these gods and goddesses."

Teddy stared at Wheelchair Guy in disbelief, then shook his head and said, "Look, man, I believe you. I've seen crazy stuff in my life too. But what exactly are you supposed to be?"

Wheelchair Guy smiled, and said, "I am a centaur, half man and half horse. But for your sanity, I stay in my human form. My name is Chiron, but just call me Mr. Brunner."

"Right. Ok, Mr. Brunner. Can I see Lily now?" Teddy said. It's not that he didn't believe Wheelchair Guy/Chiron/Mr. Brunner, but so much crazy has happened that he had no room for disbelief in his body.

"Follow me," Mr. Brunner said, and took Teddy back to the infirmary area. Lily was unconscious still, but she had already started to get some color back, and her ginger hair was fanned out on her pillow. All four of her limbs were intact, and she looked like she was just sleeping.

Annabeth perked up when Teddy entered the room, and she pulled him aside and whispered to him, "Hey listen. The next time you're in the Muggle world go to a bookstore and ask for the Harry Potter series."

Teddy looked at her confusedly, but nodded. Wheelchair Guy/Chiron/Mr. Brunner cleared his throat, and said, "Thanks to a magical healing drink we have, your godfather's daughter can be transported back to wherever it is you came from. The power of Zeus will get you back to where you were. Are you ready?"

Teddy nodded, and picked up Lily and held her bridal style. He scanned the room, locking eyes with Percy, Annabeth, and Wheelchair Guy/Chiron/Mr. Brunner, saying, "Thanks for saving Lily's life and bending the rules for us and such. Bye then."

Teddy felt a wind whisk him and Lily away, and he could see nothing but blackness. It was almost like Apparating, but without the feeling of suffocation. When he could see again, he was on the hill that Lily had led him to. He put Lily down, and she started to wake up.

"Teddy? What happened? I lost an arm and a leg, and then this guy with bloodshot ocean blue eye stickers operated on me, and now we're here... but I feel like no time has passed!"

"Lily? Everything's fine. You got yourself Splinched, and these people from the place you tried to get us to saved your life, and they brought us back here, and I think that they fixed the whole time thing."

Lily sighed in relief, and started running down the hill and back towards her grandmother's house.

"Just promise me that you'll never try to Apparate again until you're of age!" Teddy yelled, his voice getting carried away by the wind as he chased after her.

Teddy heard Lily's laugh, strong, clear, and bubbly against the rushing of the wind, and a faint, "Oh, don't worry. I think I've Apparated enough to last me a lifetime!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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