Chapter 1 Meet the Porras Children

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^^^^^ *Picture of all the Porras children up top* ^^^^^

Chapter 1 Meet the Porras Children!

Hi! I'm Emily Porras. I'm 17 years old. I have 19 siblings! 12 brothers, 7 sisters. I'm the 7th oldest Porras child. Out of all the Porras children there are two sets of twins and a set of triplets and another set of twins on the way.

Let's meet all 20 of the Porras children!

---My oldest brother Edward Porras. He's 24 years old, 6ft 1in, he has brown hair and green eyes. He's in medical school at Yale becoming a doctor.
---My oldest twin sisters Elli and Ella Porras. They are 22 years old, 5ft 10in, they both have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. They are also identical. They are in college and pursuing their dreams of becoming fashion designers.
---My brother Ezekiel Porras and my sister Elizabeth Porras are fraternal twins. They are 20 years old, both have brown hair and are both in college. Ezekiel is 6ft tall, has blueish-green eyes, and at Harvard law school. Elizabeth is 5ft 9in, has green eyes, and studying to become a teacher at Yale.
---My brother Elijah Porras is next. He's 18, 5ft 11in, has light brown hair and green eyes, and he just graduated high school.
--- Then there is me. Emily Porras. I'm 17, 5ft 6in, I have blonde hair and blue/gray eyes, and I'm a high school senior at Oakvale High School.
--- My brother Elliot Porras is next. He's 15, 5ft 10in, has brown hair and blue eyes, he's a high school sophomore at Oakvale High School.
--- Now its my brother Ethan Porras' turn. He's 14, 5ft 8in, has light brown hair and hazel eyes, he's a high school freshmen at Oakvale High School.
--- Eren Porras my 6th brother. He's 13 years old, 5ft 5in, he has blonde hair and blue eyes and is an 8th grader at Long Hill Middle School.
--- Erica Porras my first little sister. She's 12 years old, 5ft 2in, blonde hair and blue eyes, and is a 7th grader at Long Hill Middle School.
--- Emma Porras my second little sister. She's 10 years old, 4ft 5in, she has blonde hair and blue eyes, and is a 5th grader at Peters Field Elementary School.
--- My fourth little brother Efren Porras. He's 8 years old, he's 3ft 3in, has blonde hair, green eyes, and is a 3rd grader at Peters Field Elementary School.
--- Now it's the triplets! Ever, Ezra, and Evan Porras. They are identical triplets. They are 5 years old, 3ft 1in, they all have blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes and they are kindergartners at Peters Field Elementary School.
--- My 3rd little sister Eva Porras. She's 4 years old, 2ft 11in, she has blonde hair and blue eyes and is in the Pre-K program at Peters Field Elementary School.
--- My 3 year old brother Edgar Porras. He's 2ft 9in, has blonde hair gray eyes, and stays at home with mom.
--- My fourth sister is 2 years old and her name is Evelyn Porras. She's 2ft 4in, has blonde hair and blue eyes and stays at home with mom.
--- My youngest brother is 1 years old and his name is Engel Porras. He's 2ft tall, has blonde hair and blue eyes, and stays at home with mom.

So you just met all of the Porras children. (Except the 2 that mama is expecting anyways.)  There's a lot right?! Well that's just how this family works! And yes mama has given birth to all of us only having to get 1 c-section. And that was when the triplets were born.

We live in a huge house that would seem like a mansion to you but it's just big enough to fit my family and there's a little extra room for new additions if there is any! There are almost 20 bedrooms in the house. 10 are currently "in use" you could say. There are 10 bathrooms not counting our parents bathroom. My older brothers Edward and Ezekiel and older sister Elizabeth moved out and live in dorms where they go to college at. The oldest twins Elli and Ella live somewhere in NY. We live in Pasadena, California.

Which only leaves 15 kids and a set of parents living at home. We have one bedroom that we turned into our own mini laundry mat. We have 7 washers and dryers in there. We turned another bedroom into one huge closet for the family, everyone's clothes are in that closet. We use our bedroom closets for school stuff, shoes, etc.

Elliot and Ethan share a room, so does Erica and Emma, Eren and Efren, Eva and Evelyn, Edgar and Engel, Ever Ezra and Evan. I have my own room as does Elijah.

And that's all you need to know about us Porras'!!!

For now anyways!!
Please Vote and Comment and tell me how you like the story so far!!! And I promise it is a 5sos fanfic!! They just come in at a later chapter!!!

[-] Amber [-]

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