Together We Work

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He was expecting a slap, an angered voice, the man to get out of the car and walk the dangerous streets due to shock and other mixed emotions. But a returned kiss was what caught him off guard into pulling away. It was something that he hadn't expected as a response. Both parties were confused, both their cheeks flushed. But the sensation was astounding it felt addictive for both of them, it made them feel complete in a way. Evan was the first to break eye contact as he looked towards the road before them, lightly touching his lips still feeling Tyler's on them, in fact he could taste the man distantly there. Tyler looked at the awkward boy and gave a nervous chuckle.

"I suppose that was a bit of stretch to be honest... I don't know what came over me. Sorry Evan..." Tyler stated softly as he got out of the car and went to open the door to the drivers seat. Evan looked at him speechless unsure how to respond but got out of the car and went to the passengers seat. Tyler changed the gear shift to drive and started driving the car again. He drove slowly as if he didn't want the night to end where it did, with the both of them at a loss for words. But they reached Evan's stop.

"We... Could go to my apartment if you like... You know if you want to stay the night?..." Evan offered his voice trembling, nervous about the idea. Tyler looked at the smaller and smiled.

"Or we could go to my place and I can drive you to work tomorrow?" Tyler asked his voice was low and calm but it was comforting to listen to, it brought a chill down Evan's spine, a chill he wanted to feel again. He felt his shoulders shake as he gave a quiet exhale. The idea of being with this man and in his home was a thrill of its own. Why did Evan want to be with him so much more? Was it the kiss? Did it make him more biased to the idea of being at his side? He wasn't opposed to the idea to be honest. Seeing as he was too intoxicated with the idea of being with this man at all. His eyes were clouded as he nodded unconsciously towards Tyler's idea.

"Evan? Are you okay?" Tyler asked as he looked at the amber eyed male with concern. He gripped his chin lightly and pulled his face towards him. What he saw took him off guard. Evan was in a lustful state of mind. It was blank and by God was it a sin of it's own just looking at his face. Tyler was definitely not a saint that is for sure. So, he dove right in, their lips connecting once more. This time Evan opened his mouth allowing access to the blonde who gladly took it. His tongue shot into the moist cavern tasting every nick and cranny of his mouth memorising it as best he can. Tyler pulled back from Evan as a string of saliva was between the but broke as they looked at eachother. Evan's cheeks red, he was a loss for breath. It felt like seconds had gone by when Tyler dominated him again. Tyler leaned back on to Evan's lips as he licked his already bruised lips biting the lower and upper lips lightly as to not make him bleed seeing as the skin is thinner making it easy to injure.

"I'm not going any farther then this. I only recently met you and you've already became putty by a single kiss. I don't want this to be just a friends with benefits kind of thing with you. I really want us to work. To be together with the right way." Tyler stated as he pulled away and looked Evan in the eyes.

"I want to start again with you and do our first date properly this time. I want to get to know you. The real you, Evan."

"I-I want to know you as well... But I only just met you and I feel like I'm becoming a slut for you why is that?" Evan commented his tone almost like a whine. Tyler felt his heart race and his blood starting to flow. This man was not making it easy.

"To be honest I felt the same way when I pulled back. It was more then just a simple spark. It felt like something inside me fully ignited but for you and you alone. This is the first time I've ever felt like this. I've kissed people before and there was rarely a spark. But with you it's different, I want more of it..." Tyler stated as he grabbed Evan's hand and held it in his own.

"... It feels so fast..." Evan stated his cheeks still red.

"Then lets slow it down for now and we'll pick up the speed when we are ready." Tyler responded with joy and an honest smile. This made Evan look up at the male with a small gasp, his shocked face forming into a sweet smile. It was a strange few days, at first he was angry at the man then he pushed him away trying to feel indifferent fir him. They end going out on this mission and just a simple kiss made them obsessed with the other. Well one thing is for certain, they are partners in not only crime but soon to be lovers in the future.

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