between emails

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~ intro ~

I've always been good. As far as I remember, I've never had detention, always did my homework and got good grades. I went to a few parties but I never got drunk or never tried smoking or drugs of any kind.

I've always been good... but there's something about him that pulled me in. Something that I can't explain and I've never felt before.

Harry Styles.

He's my teacher but I can tell I've barely learned anything as my mind begins to wonder and I find it hard to get my head out of the gutter near him. But I knew he was unreachable, so I kept my feelings and thoughts to myself...

Well, that's a lie, I've shared my thoughts with my best friend, Aspen. She was the first to learn about my not-so-innocent thoughts about my teacher. She moved to another country and we email a lot, so imagine my horror when I realize I sent an email, explaining in detail how hot my teacher is... to my teacher.

I should've re-read the email I was sending it to.

Unfortunately I didn't send my email to Aspen's email, her started with stevens.aspen and the email that appeared on my computer was none other than

Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

Please let me reach Mr. Styles before he sees my email first... and if he does, then let a bus run me over because either way, my life is over.


a.n// I'm stubborn as fuck so guess who's going to re-write Kinky Mail? That's right. Me.
I kinda hate how the story is looking so I'm changing EVERYTHING.

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