one : late late late

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~ noelle ~

How does one oversleep on the second day of university? It hasn't even been a week and I'm starting to slip. I promised my grandma I'd do my best and clearly, this isn't it. Even though my freshman year wasn't bad, we all knew I could do much better.

8:34 am

Almost forty minutes late. There had been rumors that Mrs. Fallon was fired and her replacement was some hot thirty year old. Which was horrible, for me.

Mrs. Fallon knew me well, since I was her assistant last semester. She knew I was studious and meant well, but once every now and then would have a slip up. This new teacher didn't know me at all, and right now, I'm making the worst impression. Ugh.

I made my way through the university's hallway and reached the room 243C. History of Literature with Mr. Styles.

Please God, let him be a nice man with a nice heart who will easily forgive me for my stupid mistake. Please.

I held my breath as my pale hand reached for the doorknob. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was the rest of the class. There was no head unturned and no eyes who weren't looking at me. I felt like dying.

Everyone was extremely serious, and that worried me. Serious students usually meant strict teacher. I slowly stepped in and closed the door softly behind me. I swear if I were to drop my scrunchie, everyone would hear it from how silent the classroom was.

"Any day today, miss"

I jumped on my feet and turned away from the door. I instantly found my new professor. There were so many rumors about his personality and how strict and horrible he was... but no rumors about his attractiveness.

Shit, he was really fine. As in Greek God fine. As in, Adonis has nothing on the man standing in front of me.

"Care to enlighten us with your name, miss?" He said, looking at me with annoyed eyes.

"I'm, uh, my name is Noelle Davis" I said, my voice sounded calm but my entire soul was trembling under his judgmental stare.

"Well, Noelle Davis, if you're done interrupting my class — which I hope doesn't happen again —, sit down because I'd very much like to continue"

I nodded and hastily found a sit far in the back. I didn't want to keep drawing any sort of attention back to me.

I was burning. My face and body were both so hot I was practically sweating, so I took off my oversized cardigan and focused my attention on the teacher.

"I'm gonna quickly summarize what I just told you all so Ms. Davis catches up" he said staring intensly at me. I just knew he was annoyed by me. Not only did I interrupted him, but he's going to repeat everything he said because of me.

"My name is Harry Styles and I'm going to be your teacher this semester for History of Literature. We have a few rules for this class. Firstly, no cellphones. You want to use your phone? There's the door. Second, three absences and you automatically fail this class. Third and most importantly, if you're going to be late, it's best if you don't show up"

I lowered myself in my chair. That felt directed towards me.

"Your classmates asked me a few questions as well. I'm twenty-nine. Yes, this class is going to have group projects and yes, there's a final project for the end of the semester. If you need me, send me an email or drop by my office... and I think that was it"

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