Chapter 15: A love letter.

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Get your favourite love song ready to read this chapter, please. (And don't even try to tell me you don't have a favourite love song.)
Enjoy my cheesy-ness 'cause ya homegirl is in luv too. Gbye fellas!


Finally it's December.
That means it's time for Miles and Alex's wedding.

And today, December 1st, Miles finds himself sitting and waiting for his mates to call him and walk to that little place where he's going to make his dream come true.

"Hey bro..." Matt says as he opens the door of the little room where Miles is. This room is a place filled with the stuff he would wear and other things such as a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Hi Matt." Miles replies, standing up from his seat and walking to Matt, smiling at him and giving him a hug.
"Are you anxious right now?"
"Kinda." He said.
"Dude, just drink some of that shit and you'll be okay. Just not too much, you need to be alright for the whole thing."
Miles simply nodded, not really listening to him.

"Anyways, i'm not here to say these things to you. I'm here for something else. Dude, you're marrying Alex. He has been like a brother for me. We've been friends since we were little kids, and now it's kind of hard for me to see a guy like you come here and make him go head over heels. It makes me happy, though. He'll finally be really happy; and if he's happy, i'm happy too.-" Miles smiled again, "-Still, i know you've caused some trouble since the very first day. And i remember the time we all went to jail because of you. Not saying that i regret it, not at all, Jamie, Nick and I have been always part of this adventure you guys created and i'm extremely thankful for it. Thank you for letting us be part of such a love story." Tears filled Matt's eyes and threatened to go out. "Just... Just make him happy."

"I will, Matt. I swear i will."
"Now i'm emotional, god damn it! I wasn't here for this, actually, Alex gave me this...-" Matt looked into the pocket of his jacket and took out something that looked like an envelope. "- It's a letter, i guess. This shit is fucking cheesy but, alright, seems like something Alex would do. Now i'm just gonna let you read it, i have to go and check on Alex 'cause the last time i saw him he was screaming and stuff. I think he ate a whole box of chocolate. Anyways, have fun!"

Matt left the room and everything went quiet again, now Miles would have time to peacefully read whatever this was.

He opened the envelope and took out something that looked like a letter, then, he started to read.

Dear Miles;

If i had to write down everything i feel for you, i'd need all the paper in this world.

Just to start, remember how excited you feel when the band finally comes out onto the stage in a gig? You make me feel the same kind of excitement every single day at morning when i wake up and see you sleeping next to me.

Just a simple "Hi" and i'm melting.

It's something no one else has ever made me feel, it's a "one of a kind" emotion. A one of a kind emotion from a one of a kind person.
Truth is that you're the first of your kind, and i don't know if there'll ever be another man that brings so much joy into someone's heart. I don't believe there'll ever be another man that's just like you; and it makes me extremely happy to know you're mine, mine and only mine.

You're my one and only, Miles.

I could never love anyone the same way i love you, baby.
This is so perfect that it ends up feeling as fictional.
Am I living in the real world?
Or is this all a fantasy?

I'm starting to believe you're a drug and all what we've lived together is hallucinations.
It'd be sad to wake up from this dream someday.

I used to think love would destroy us, break us, tear us apart.
But you made me believe this love would never do that to me, instead, this love is healing me.
When we met i was just a sad, sick boy.
Nowadays, i believe i'm the happiest man in earth; and it's all your fault. Feel guilty for making me feel happy, pretty, someone.

Yes, someone; 'cause if it wasn't for you, i would be no one.
I doubt i'd still be alive, Miles.

You saved me, in many ways.

No more tears and no more mornings hating myself, no more nights wishing i was dead; no.
You turned it all to something better.

And now my nights are full of dreams and smiles, if i ever cry i'd cry 'cause i'm happy. I'd never wish i was dead, i wish for immortality. Not only for me, for both of us.

If i could buy forever at a price i would buy it twice for you and me, so we could keep living this dream together; forever.

And today we're buying a piece of that "forever". What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, but i don't want your wealth or the material things you could give me, the only thing i want is your heart, 'cause i'm gifting you mine.

When you have to go i always beg you to stay a bit more 'cause your presence it's the most important thing for me. Without you i feel incomplete.

If you ever had to go forever, i'd beg you to stay a bit more everyday until i die.

Please don't ever leave me, i don't know what i'd do without you.
I need you.
I don't ever want to lose you.

I love you, Miles.
I adore you.

And i will do it forever.

- Alex. X

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