The place where you and I....

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Baekhyun place the last plate of the food that he re-heats at the microwave before sitting beside his wife on the floor. Dara is giggling and clapping her hands in pure excitement seeing the delicious and mouth-watering food serve in front of her. Baekhyun just sigh and shook his head not believing the scary mood swings of Dara. Really, something is wrong with his wife's behavior and he does not have any idea what causes it. He's scare to open his mouth and say something that might triggers Dara's abnormal behavior. Geez! He does not want to deal with a crying and dramatic Dara. He had enough of it tonight.

"Feed me." Dara said without looking at Baekhyun.


Dara glares at Baekhyun and he immediately took the chopstick and plate. Geez! She's really scary.

"What do you want to eat, baby?" He asked trying so hard to be polite and gentle.

"I want this one. And that one."

"Okay" Baekhyun quickly took pieces of the food that Dara pointed out on him.

"Okay baby, here's your food. Open your mouth and say ahhh!!!"

That earns Baekhyun a death glares. "I told you to feed me but I did not say feed me like a baby!"

"But you are my baby." Baekhyun said playfully.

"So you're telling me that I am a baby and that I can't eat by myself? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"What? No! That's not what~"

"Forget it. I can feed myself." Dara took the plate and chopstick in his hands leaving Baekhyun dumbfounded again.

Baekhyun decided to just shut his mouth and eat. He better shut his mouth if he does not want Dara to lash out again on him.

After 30 minutes, they are still eating, no scratch that, Dara is still eating. Baekhyun finish his dinner 10 minutes ago but Dara seems not on the edge of stopping.

There's definitely something wrong with her. He said to himself as he continues watching Dara eating. He can't help but to raise an eyebrow when Dara took a spoonful of rice. How many cups of rice did she already eat? Six? Or eight? Baekhyun isn't sure of his counting. And since he is curious, he can't help but to give a pleasant comment. It's a pleasant comment so Dara won't lash out on him again, right?

"It's good to see you eat like this and you're getting fit." See, it's a good comment right? What could go wrong with that comment?

Dara stops chewing after hearing Baekhyun's compliment. Did he just say that I am eating like a pig? And I am getting fat?

Dara swallowed her food and drop the chopstick. "Did you just say that I eat like a pig and I am fat?"

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