Chapter 6

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Ali's pov

I opened my eyes, to see a bunch of terrified eyes looking at me. I sat up and was engulfed in a hug by Kelsie and Emmet. "How long was it?" I asked Emery. I don't usually black out unless its something really bad. "Uh" He said trying to avoid the question. "Tell me!" I said. "7 minutes, they're getting longer" he muttered. "I know, something is wrong" I said to myself. "What exactly did you see?" Will asked, as he turned away from the window.

Should I lie? It was pretty bad. "The thing is, I didn't see anything, it was just like a black out" I said hoping to make them drop the subject. "Ok, you're probably tired, ill take you to your room" Will said, as he scooped me up. Emery eyed me suspiciously. "I'll talk to you later" he said in my mind. I groaned to myself. "Can't I walk?" I asked. "No!" Will said as we began to climb the stairs. He put me into mine and Darcy's room. We shared rooms. Addie and Mia had one, Emery and Will had the other, and Kelsie and Emmet had the other. Jason slept with Zayn and Caroline. We never slept in our rooms anyways, we ended up all over the place. I leaned on my beds head board."Will? Can I ask you something?" I asked. A smirk formed on his face. "You just did" he said as he sat on the edge of my bed. "No! I mean like for real" I said playfully kicking his back. "Go for it" he said smiling. "Was something bothering you and emery?" I asked. His smile faded. "no" he said before he stood up. "Don't worry about it" he added, before he kissed my cheek and left. That was the first time in like 7 years! Darcy came into our room a few minutes later.

"Hey" she said standing on the doorway.

"Hi" I said scooting over so she could sit. "Emery wants me to talk to you, he thinks ill actually tell him" Darcy said smiling. I smiled too. "You won't though" I said but it sounded like a question. "Of course not!" She said. "I uh saw your dad yelling at someone, and then I saw Will pinned to the wall, he was crying, and then Emery was looking for someone in the woods" I said. "Hmm, our parents do seem a bit suspicious" Darcy said. "But I'm sure it's nothing, visions change all the time" she added. "I guess you're right, but you can't tell anyone" I said nervously. "Have I ever let you down?" She asked. "No! You're like the sister I never had!" I said putting my head on her shoulder. "Yay!" She said standing up. I did the same. Darcy and I walked down stairs. Addie, Mia, Kelsie, and Emmet were playing a board game, an Will and Emery where talking about something, it looked like they were having a staring contest. Darcy and I sat beside them. "Uh hey baby sis!" Emery said putting his arm on my shoulders. "I'm younger by a minute" I mumbled. He laughed knowing he had managed to almost annoy me. Most brothers are pesky and annoying, but he isn't, he really doesn't annoy anyone. He's quiet but he's not shy. I actually enjoy having him as a brother. "Oh yeah" he said just to let me have my way.

"Hate to ruin a sibling bonding but in case you haven't noticed, there is a car parked in our drive way" Will said. "It's not our parents car" Mia added turning away from the window. "What do we do?" Emmet asked. His and kelsie looked really scared. "You two go to your room, well handle this" Addie said, but she looked scared too. Emmet and kelsie obeyed, as they quickly but quietly ran into their room. The doorbell rang. "Coming!" Will yelled. He never seems scared, that's one if the things I admire, he always seems brave.

We slowly walked behind him. He opened the door to reveal 3 guys. Their cheeks were rosy, and they were breathing out warm air so that little vapor balls formed. Well of course! Its October, but it's freezing. "Uh hi" I said hoping to make them leave earlier. "Hi!" I heard a voice say, and a guy appeared infront of us. I literally screamed. "Michael, how many times have we told you, no ghost powers" one of the guy said. "But it's October and scaring is so fun!" Michael answered. Another guy just shook his head. "My name is Luke, this is Ashton, Calum, and you've already met Michael" he said pointing to everyone. "May we help you?" Will asked, wincing as my hand met his and Emery's. " Yes, where's you're dad?" Ashton asked looking at me and Emery. "We don't know" emery answered. "I know this is weird, and you don't remember us, just tell the boys that the crows are back and ready to claim their prizes, make sure no one hears, only Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn,and Harry" Calum said. "O-okay" I stuttered. "Good, you've all grown so much" Michael said, just before they all walked away, into their car and away from our house.

When our parents got home...

"Dad! I need to talk to you and the other boys" I said to him, as I led him to the woods. How would our moms not notice? Thanks to soap operas and romantic movies, they were kinda too busy to notice. Will and Emery brought everyone else around. "Today 4 guys visited us, their names were Luke, Ashton, Micheal, and uh Calum" Will began. My dad look really happy after those names were said. "They said to tell you that the crows are back and ready to claim their prizes" I finished. I watched as everyone shared nervous glances. Then they ran off into the darkness of the forest.

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