Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Narnia

Susan's POV:

I looked all around me in wonder. Everything was just so beautiful that I felt like I needed to absorb every detail. Due to my amazement of my surroundings, I was walking at a snails pace which was probably annoying Peter.

We were walking through the village of Narnia with Jake and Edmund. I was lagging behind, because come on who wouldn't when you see stalls selling things like pranking bombs, bubbling potions and other crazy stuff being sold and bought by the most peculiar creatures, such as Goblins, Minotaurs, Fairies, talking animals, dwarves and a lot of people wearing funny robes and pointy hats. Maybe witches or wizards.

"Oi! Sweetheart! Will you please hurry your cute little butt up? We are gonna miss the carriages to take us to the castle at this pace."

I stopped in my tracks at Peter's statement. Ignoring my oncoming blush I jogged to catch up to him.

He seemed a lot more relaxed, as he strode on ahead-no uneasiness to be suspicious of. That's what it looked like anyway.

"First of all don't call me sweetheart, I have a name for a reason. Secondly what castle? Weren't we just at the castle or is there another one? And thirdly, yo-you pervert! You have no right to comment on m-my behind! Do you have any respect?"

He just chuckled at me, "Okay then so let me get my notebook to write down your terms of service. Number one, from now on call Susie nicknames due to her love of them; number two, congratulate her on her observation of castles and invite her to the party of  'No S**t Sherlock' tomorrow evening; then number three, convince her that I do have respect, just not for people who can't keep up with her superiors, AKA", He paused to send a teasing smirk my way. "Me."

I scoffed, "You are unbelievable."

"You did ask, Honey."

I just glared at his retreating back.



I had to agree with Ed.

"What is this place?" Jake asked also staring in awe at the building that seemed to be leaking of magic.

Peter didn't answer him as he walked up the staircase leading into the building or more like castle. Probably the same one mentioned earlier. Before I could follow him I heard a splash.

Turning around I saw the lake we had crossed to get here that Peter had claimed as the 'Black Lake', but it seemed as still as it was beforehand. I frowned in confusion but brushed it off as my imagination and continued up the stairs after the others.

Peter knocked on the huge oaken doors and after a grinding noise coming from the inside, it was suddenly thrown open. I think I had gotten the fright of my life.

Standing in front of us was probably the biggest man I have ever seen. He shouldn't even be classified as a man, he should be classified as a giant.

I screamed and took a few steps back and tripped over my own feet in my shock. Falling to the ground, I didn't hesitate to scurry backwards even if I had to get my butt dirty.

"O' dear aye am so sorrie! Aye deed not mean to scare ya. 'Ere let meh help ya." Extending his giant hand out he grasped my own hand and helped me up. Unfortunately he forgot his own strength and ended up making me stumble forward. As I put my arms out in front of me I awaited my second meeting of the floor.

Normally you would expect a "but instead of hitting the ground, I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and I looked up to see a pair of sparkling eyes looking down at me in concern."


The second meeting of the floor was even more painful than the first. Who knew floors were such enthusiastic huggers?

Laughter reached my ears and didn't need to look up to see that it was Peter.

Helping myself up, I hardened my glare on Peter before looking towards a sheepish giant or whatever he was.

"Meh name is 'Agrid (Hagrid). Aye assume yeh lot is weeth Ms. Sophia?"

"Yes we are. Have Mr. and Mrs. P met her yet?" Peter asked as they walked inside, Susan trying to put as much distance as possible between her and the giant. Ed and Jake just gaped at him.

"Ya betcha! Mrs. P even started crying. Aye don't blame 'er tho, one day she 'ad only 'Arry and da next she finds her long lost daughter. Tis' a blessing! They are' gonna be a family again!"

"We'll see about that," I muttered under my breath.

After going up the stairs -which were moving! Like actually moving!- we found ourselves in front of another pair of doors which Peter opened with ease. I wasn't prepared as to what I saw.

There in the middle of the room was Sophia. But she was not alone. She was in the arms of a woman who had beautiful and long red hair and sea blue eyes (A/N; yes I know in the book she and Harry have green eyes but I'm using the movie version so let's just go with that ;). Next to her was a man with jet black hair and hazel eyes and circular glasses that no one wears these days. Well at least in her world, she thought. He was talking excitedly to two other men who looked almost as happy as he was.

Her eyes then traveled to a boy who looked like a younger version of the man with the same old fashioned glasses and jet black hair. But he didn't have the same look of happiness that everyone else portrayed. He was frowning and seemed to be arguing with his two friends, a tall ginger dude and a curly haired brunette girl. He seemed very frustrated and looked to be on the verge of shouting at them.

Looking around at the rest of the hall I saw kids and teachers alike talking animatedly with each other. Just as I was about to march right up to Sophia and drag her by the ear back home and forget that this ever happened-


There it is! Another chap :) Sorry for taking a long time in updating but I had a huge writers block. Anyways thank you to the all the reviews and favs! They mean so much to me 💗


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