3 | Recognitions

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Throughout his life, talking has been one of the many things Yuta can do without hesitation. Especially in groups. But right now, uttering a word seems to be the hardest things on his list.

"Yuta hyung." A hesitantly husky voice called out to him. Yuta looked at the four faces in turn, trying to locate the voice that belongs to it.

It wasn't Taeyong since his voice wasn't exactly as deep (he can recognise him in his sleep but he's not going to admit that). The remaining three stared back at him, expecting an answer. Finally one of them, a handsome raven-haired guy about his age, spoke up.

"Hyung," Yuta backed away slightly as a hand waved in front of his face. "It's me, Yuno."

Yuta stared at him for a while, and nodded silently. Unlike Taeyong, Yuno seemed to be pretty understanding. The smile Yuno had on earlier faded a little, and the sight caused a guilty knot to form in Yuta.

"I'm sorry..." Yuta swallowed his pride before continuing. "I don't know you."

"It's okay." A blonde-haired man extended his hand. "I'm Taeil."

Yuta nodded his head. "I'm Yuta..." he glanced at Taeyong, leaning against the wall next to his bed. "Apparently."

"Of course you're Yuta." Taeyong said, his voice laced with worry and heartbreak. "You're name is Nakomoto Yuta."

Yuta blinked. "Oh is that my full name?"

The rest of the members looked down to hide their disappointed faces, but Doyoung quickly spoke up to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Hi, I'm Doyoung." He said, and extended his hand. "I'm the main-vocalist of a group named NCT. Along with Taeil." Yuta shook it immediately, trusting that big friendly smile without hesitation.

"You guys are artists?" Yuta asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"So are you." Yuno jerked his chin towards Yuta's direction.

"I-I am?" This was big news, and he's not sure how to take it. After living for a week with only the knowledge of his name and his room in which he's been confined in, this was definitely a lot to take in. "But how?"

"Look Yuta," Taeyong leaned away from the wall and sat next to him on his bed. Yuta moved away from him, not wanting the others to know about their strange relationship.

"You were involved in something very bad before this." Taeyong said to him. "That's all you need to know."

For some reason, the way Taeyong said that sentence made his blood boil. "Why can't I know now? What makes me incompetent enough to not know?"

Taeyong, who was ready to answer this question, opened his mouth to reply. But he closed it as soon as he saw Taeil shaking his hands at him to keep quiet from behind Yuta. Of course, Yuta didn't see Taeil, but he was able to catch Doyoung mouthing the name of someone.

Someone whose name has come in and out of his mind for a long time now.

"Hansol." Yuta whispered under his breath. "Hansol!" He abruptly stood up, startling Taeyong beside him.

"Does anyone here know where I can find a man by the name of Ji Hansol?" Yuta asked them. His heart beat at a crazy rate as he saw the expression of recognition flash past each one of their faces. Now it was Taeyong's turn to frantically wave at them to keep quiet.

"Ji Hansol?" Yuno asked him, a nervous laugh leaving his lips.

"Who is he, Yuta hyung?"


Sorry it's a lame and short chapter. But I'm in bed feeling sick af bonus a killer headache fml.

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