Prologue (Finding My Dream)

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Hey guys I thought you guys would be excited about what happen so I made a chapter (more like prologue). Anyway Sakura shirt is red and her pants are black. Oh and Sakura also likes drawing, and knitting.
Please if you didn't read the author's note I want you to read it because most people don't read author's notes. It will explain why there are instruments.
Third Person POV
A six year old child with pink hair is running to the Hokage's office crying.
"Sakura, what's wrong, why are you crying." The Hokage asked, petting the child called, Sakura
"Hokage-jiji, everyone was glaring at me, and some kids called me a monster and were throwing rocks at me again.

Sometimes I feel like I don't belong here or in this world because I have no meaning, no purpose. I have no reason to live. I have nothing to look up to in the future." Sakura said, truthfully.

The Hokage looked surprised by what she said, and decided that he'd give her a dream to look forward to, so she wouldn't ever think of those things again.
"How about you think of a dream to look forward to in the future, so you do have a purpose like being the strongest ninja in the village or something along the lines." The Third said, trying to convince Sakura.
"A dream? Hmmm...OH I know, since I'm going to be the strongest ninja in the village I could also become Hokage, so I can protect the ones I love in the village in the future, but how am I going to become a ninja I don't have a parent to sign me up for being a ninja." Sakura said, sadly.

"How about we go to the academy right now and get you signed up for next year." The Hokage asked
After that sentence Sakura and the Hokage were infront of the academy.
They both walked inside the academy, and went to knock on a classroom door.

Knock Knock

"Come in" Someone said
Sakura walked behind the Hokage walked in the classroom.

"Iruka, I would like to enroll someone in the academy next year." The Third Hokage asked
"Oh, Lord Third who do you want to sign up for the academy." Iruka asked, curiously.
Sakura popped her head up from behind the Hokage, and Iruka immediately glared at Sakura. The glare didn't go unnoticed by the Sakura or the Hokage.

"Hey, don't go glaring at your future Hokage." Sakura exclaimed, glaring right back at Iruka.

Iruka had question marks and confusion written on his face.

"Sakura, why don't you go outside until I come back, okay!" The Third asked, kindly Sakura started walking out the room, and when the door closed the Hokage looked at Iruka with a serious face on.

The Third's POV
"Iruka, I want you to treat Sakura like every other student you have, please
" I asked, when it came to Sakura I was always serious.
"Why are you always nice to her she destroyed the Village" Iruka said, infuriated. The reason Iruka is always so mean to Sakura is because the Nine-Tailed Fox killed his parents and he's blinded by rage.

"Iruka, Sakura didn't kill your parents the beast did. Everyone thinks Sakura is the beast, but she isn't. She's like every other child. If you don't believe me then you can follow us, and see how much of a beast she is. " I stated, calmly, signing the papers for Sakura to go to the academy leaving.


Third Person POV

"Sakura, let's go get some Ramen for the Celebration of you going to the academy." The Hokage asked the unusually quiet girl slowly nod.

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