1.Gurao ??!

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Racers from all over the world were patiently waiting in Gurao.

They were all of a kind.

A raven haired girl with bright unatural pink eyes filled in the forms to enter the qualifying race. As soon as she finished she flipped the paper to the counter person.

She peered up at the clock blankly waiting for her access card.

"Here you go miss...!" But the counter person didn't even get the time to say her name because as fast as lightning and without any hesition the black haired girl ripped the card out of her hands and turn around without any words.

"....good luck?" The counter person looked at the mysterious girl quizzically.


However this girl didn't feel the need of an encouragement. She wanted to get over with this in the quickest way. In her point of view she didn't have any time to waste. She was going to beat everyone. Well she needed to beat everyone.

She walked confidently around the place carefully identifying her environment. It was no more than a splint of second that she came to a halt. She turned around catching a glimpse of blond hair. Her heart started pounding.

Was it?

No...can't be...

She looked around for sure but however did not find what she was looking for. The person disappeared.
"It must have been my imagination- it can't be who i think it is..."

Lost in her own thoughts she didn't see the boy running towards her at full speed .
Both of them collided on the floor.

"What the actual... !"she hissed under her breath. Looking up her eyes met with a boy with blue hair . He looked approximately around her age.

After a moment of awkward silence,They both got up , undusting themselves.

"I'm sorry ... wasn't actually watching where i was going! Are you hurt?" The boy awkwardly asked his face red catching a glimpse of who he had collided with.

Ohh so you run with eyes closed... fortunately I'm not hurt or you'd be dead by now.

She innerly rolled her eyes. " well i'm not so it doesn't really matter" she managed to mutter despite being annoyed for having been interrupted in her thoughts.

She didn't care for interaction . She was about to go away making as if nothing had happened.

"Ohh i guess that's cool then..!" He smiled like an idiot. " Are you partcipating in the preliminaries  too? My name's- "

"Kaz you bloody idiot!!" A female voice yelled .

The raven haired girl looked behind the boy she just got the name to find a girl with pink racer clothes ,short brown hair but a ridicule looking stuffed animal perched on her elbow. It was only when she advance near Kaz that the Raven haired girl got a good look of the girl.

Ohh it's not a stuffed animal....that girl...maybe a bit too pink..

She looked at her own clothes . She had to admit she was quite the tumblr girl .

" Why did you run off like that ! We told you we should stick up together. Diego and Myron are now also searching for you!"

Feeling a bit in the middle of something , the pink eyed girl turned around in boredom and went away.

Meanwhile Kaz talked to Fiona "Sorry , i kinda got a little too excited over there !"

Fiona tried not to slap herself. "Whatever... now that I've found you, help me find Diego and Myron. I've lost them too now because of you!"she said.

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