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"I wonder who am i be room mated to?" Jessica pondered sliding through the corridor in boredom.

"Ughh nevermind just hope they are not to loud!" She rubbed her temples and then looked down on her chest where stood a beautiful angel locket which she has longly cherished.

She started fiddling with it and then gazed at it intently.

"Shiro..." she mumbled.


"Happy 7th birthday Jessica!!"said Mrs Sutherland giving her a big hug.She smiled at the woman before her .

"Where's Shiro?!"She asked cutely.

Mrs Sutherland smiled knowingly at Jessica's enthusiasm to see her son before everything else. She chuckled "He is waiting for you outside.! You may go see him... now shoo!"

Jessica rushed rapidly outside to find her best friend.

"Shiro! Shiro!"she called out."Where are you?!".

Suddenly a hand covered her eyes. She immediately knew it was him . "Shiro!"she turned herself giving him a big hug.

"Hey Angie! Happy Birthday!!"he said using her nickname he gave her.

"Thanks!" Jessica unwrapped herself from him peering at his face excitedly.

"Well I've got something for you!"he said his hands going at the back of his pocket.

"What is it!!"she said excitedly.

"Close your eyes first!"


"Now give me your hand!"she did as she was told and when she opened her eyes,she was amazed. In her hands was the most amazing necklace she's ever seen ;an angel locker.

"Oh my god Shiro !!I love it !it's beautiful! Thank u! Thank u! Thank u!"she said excitedly.

He chuckled at her"You are welcome!this locker will help you remember me when we are far away!It will keep you safe when I can't!But mostly it will help us get in connection! I mean that's what best friend do"Shiro said shrugging.

Jessica didn't understand why he was telling her that!She just let it pass away. She was still a child after all.

Eventually this locker holds a lot of memories. It helps her to remember him but it also reminds her that she lost him.

Her best friend...

....but her love .

*End of flashback*

She looked up coming to a halt.

Room no 6.7

"Guess that's it then..." she said to herself knocking at the door.

No response...

She shrugged opening the door.

"What are you-never mind! I am totally complaining to the direction!!!I'm so not staying in the same room as you!!" Fiona yelled.

Jessica mentally sulked. "Great !just great..."

"And who said i wanted to stay in a room with a germ like you" Hebina growled.

"What did you just say-" Fiona glared at Hebina.

Jessica cleared her voice catching the atttention of the girls.

There was a moment of silence.

And complete staring at her in shock...

Still silence...

A Distant Love Of A Werewolf .Where stories live. Discover now