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It's been five years since Ashley's death, Hakeem's five years old. His birthday was last month, he says it was the best ever. I haven't found anybody to my interests yet, don't really want one. I can't move on from Ashley, not now and maybe not ever. Hakeem influences me everyday not to move on.
I walked over to him and hugged him closely. "Daddy loves you."
He laughed and his dimples began to show, and he grabbed my face, "And you tell daddy Keem loves him too." I laughed and sat him down on the living room couch. I started tickling him crazily, as he squirmed on the couch. He hit at my arms for me to stop, after he was laughin so hard that he was about to cry. I stopped and sat down beside him, and watched The Good Dinosaur.
We were twenty minutes into the movie, and I looked down to Hakeem. He was sleeping with his arms around me. I reached for the remote and turned the tv off. I picked him up from the couch, and carried him upstairs to his room. I laid him down in his Spider-man bed. I pulled the covers over him and began walkin for the door. "Daddy." I turned around, "Huh?" He smiled and pointed to me, "You my Spider-man." I smiled as he rolled over in bed, I closed the door. I walked down the hall with a full smile, I made it to my room and closed the door.

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