2 | Ethan

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Author: For the thick girls out there, I hope you know you're beautiful just the way you are! Thick is cute as hell btw. also thinking of changing the cover to this 🤔

You let out a small moan, scrunching up your eyebrows and frowning. You tightly squeeze your eyes shut, denying the suns request to blind you.

You heard a chuckle, making you turn your head and peek one eye open, spotting your boyfriend, Ethan, staring at you with a smile.

"What?" You groan closing your eyes once again and stretching your body out.

"Baby, its almost 1pm, get up. Besides, I have a surprise for you!" Ethan cheers getting off the bed and standing on his feet, clapping his hands together.

You giggle before opening your eyes and blinking a few times, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight beaming through the window.

Slowly, you sat up and flipped the covers off of you, running your fingers through your hair. You got off the bed and walk over to the bathroom in yours and Ethan's room.

You've been dating for two years, ad you guys were only nineteen. But last year on your anniversary, Ethan decided to take a big step in the relationship and ask you to move in with him.

Which you happily accepted. After doing your business in the bathroom you go in the kitchen, smelling the fresh aroma of pancakes and bacon.

"You cooked?" You ask Ethan, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, kind of. I ordered from IHop and the smell just went through te apartment, I guess." Ethan shrugs making you giggle at his cuteness.

He smiles at you and you both grab your breakfast, or, brunch. You both sat down on the stools that were placed to sit in front of the counter.

"So," Ethan swallows his orange juice. "I've been thinking." He states.

"Oh no." You joke.

Ethan scoffs but chuckles softly after.

"No, babe, seriously." He sighs, sitting up straight in his chair before speaking again; "I want to tell everyone about us." He blurts out.

You instantly start coughing, your milk spitting out of your mouth but catching itself in the glass cup.

"Babe, are you okay?!" Ethan asks worriedly.

"Yes, yeah, I'm fine... But, Ethan, if we tell your fans-"

"I know, they'll go crazy and hate on you; But we shouldn't let that affect our relationship and our love for each other." He interrupts going over to and going on his knees. "Baby, please? Two years of hiding is starting to get old. I want to hold you and kiss you in public,
please?" He begged.

You smile at his cuteness, but hesitate at what he wants. You didn't know what to say, or how to answer, so you just sigh.

"C'mon, Y/n. Please." He begs one last time before you groan, giving in.


"Yes! Oh thank God baby girl! I love you!" Ethan showers your face in kisses.

You laugh at him, "I love you too."

"I'll be back!" He exclaims and runs to the bedroom.

Moments later he came back with his phone.

"Follow me!" He orders.

You groan lowly before getting up and following him to your backyard, the sound of birds and kids laughing echoing through the neighborhood.

"And what are we doing out here?" You raise your eyebrows at your boyfriend curiously.

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