:Chapter 1: I'll meet you there

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(The video is to kinda give you an idea of where you are)

   "Link... START!" You yelled excitedly for the first time. Today was the first time you had been able to play on your new nerve gear game, Sword Art Online.

   After yelling the command to start the game, you opened your eyes to see a large, medieval kind of city. Full of hundreds of people. A small screen popped up in your face that said, "please choose a username, this name will be seen by all other players."

   "Hmmmm" you thought for a minute. You shrugged off thinking of a new clever name and just put in your real name, y/n. This is what you did in most games you played. After you chose your name you chose your avatar. You chose ig/h/c hair, ig/e/c, and ig/s/t (skin tone). You chose to where black skinny jeans with a black tang top. After all that you decided to look around the city. A small notification showed you that you were in a city called "The Town of Beginnings." You wandered over to a shop and bought a small beginners sword and a small amount of armor, like a pair of dark f/c (favorite color) boots. They didn't add much health but it'd have to do for now. You walked out of the city into the open fields. After looking around for a while you saw two guys laughing at something one of them had long red hair and a rough face. The other had a smooth face with black hair that was parted to the side. You walked over to them to say hi. Cause who knows, maybe we could become friends.

As you were walking over to them you saw the one with red hair power up his sword and kill a boar. "Wow!" They jumped slightly and turned to you on guard. "Oh, um, hi!" You said waving to them putting one arm behind your back and smiling cutely at them. The one with red hair slightly blushed. Looking you up and down, then smirking.

"Well ~~~hey there pretty lady." He said trying to flirt. He stuck the tip of his sword into the ground and leaned on the hilt, still with his stupid smirk.

"Ugh..." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

"Ooooo~ a girl with sass huh? I like that in a woma-" he was cut short by the black haired guy punching him square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"Mhhg!" You held your hand over your mouth trying not to laugh but failed miserably.

"Sorry about my pal here." The black haired boy said, he had a much calmer nicer voice than you had expected. "My names Kirito. And that's Klein." He said pointing to the redhead on the ground. "And your names y/n?"

"Wha- how'd you know that?" You asked curiously. "If you look up at the top left corner of your vision, and look at me at the same time, you can see my player health and name." He explained. "Wow! That's so cool!" You said, he chuckled at your reaction. "Heh, so you new to the game." He said reaching out to shake your hand. "Um yah, was it that obvious?" You said rubbing the back of your neck then shaking his hand. When you touched his hand you felt like a surge of electricity went through you so you quickly pulled away. When you looked up at him you saw a light blush on his cheeks.

"Haha! Look at you two. Blushing like two little red apples!" Klein said, Kirito kicked him to the ground again. "Ow! What was that for!" He yelled.

"Your embarrassing her!" Kirito yelled back. "You mean that your embarrassed~" Klein teased. You blushed a few more shades of red and stepped into the argument.
   "Alright, we can be done now!" You gave them each a stern look, and then softened a bit. "Anyways, I came over here to see how you used those awesome power ups on your sword! They were so cool! Can you teach me?" You asked.

   "Yah sure!" Kirito said. "It's actually pretty simple.." He went on to show you the technique of it.

   "So that's all it takes, give it a try on that boar over there." He pointed to a boar walking a little ways away. "Uhm, but what if I miss and it try's to hurt me?" You asked him shyly. "Hah, I'll be right here if you really need help." He smiled slightly. "Okay, thanks." You thanked walking slowly up behind the boar.

   You raised your sword, bending your wrist in slightly to activate your power up. Getting into a fighting stance you ran up to the boar with a small battle cry. The boar turned to look at you before you sliced it's side, killing it in one blow.
   "Yea! Did you see me Kirito!? Did ya see it!?" You yelled jumping up and down cheering to Kirito.

   "Yah I saw it! Great job y/n!" He gave you a thumbs up. "See, you didn't need my help."

   "Heh, thanks guys. For helping I mean. I'm a total noob to this sort of thing." You said rubbing the back of your neck. "What do you mean? Klein did nothing to help." Kirito laughed. "True." You laughed as you saw Klein sulk sitting on the cool grass. The sun had started to set, hitting the golden hour. Everything was shining a beautiful golden. The lake in front of the three of you glistened and sparkled.

   You sat down in the grass a few feet away from Klein and took in the beauty. "Heh, it's funny." You said as Kirito sat down next to you. "I know that this is a virtual world and all but, I've never felt or seen any beauty like this in the real world before." You smiled. "Hmm." Kirito mumbled in agreement, as did Klein. "So, can we all be friends?" You suddenly asked. Kirito looked down at you surprised. "Uhm, y-yah sure!" He stuttered slightly. "Aw what the hell. Sure!" Klein said laying down in the grass with his arms behind his head for a cushion. You chuckled at they're responses and looked back at the sunset.

   Suddenly the sky started to pixelate and turned into the bright afternoon again. You stood up. "Is this a glitch?" You asked Kirito who had also stood up. "I don't know." He replied. "I have a bad feeling about it though. Let's log out just in case." He said pulling up his menu screen. "Uhm, guys there's no log out button." He said confused.

   "Whadoya' mean there's no log out button?" Klein said pulling up his menu, you doing the same. "Holy crap..." You said. Suddenly you were being teleported to somewhere. When you looked up to see where you'd been teleported you saw that you were in the center of the town of beginnings. You looked around to see if Kirito or Klein were anywhere near you. You saw Kirito on his tiptoes looking over the enormous crowd of people. 'I guess they all got teleported here too.' You thought. "Kirito!" You yelled to him. He looked over to you, then pushed through the crowd to get to you. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked grabbing your shoulders. You blushed slightly at the contact. "Yah I'm fine, I'm fine. But where's Klein?" You said. "I'm right here!" You heard Klein yell. You turned to see him pushing through a bunch of people to get to you and Kirito.

   "You guys know what's goin' on?!" He said, obviously kinda scared. "I don't know..." You said in his same tone. You felt something warm wrap itself around your left hand. Kirito had grabbed your hand. "We have to stay together." He said. "Klein, are you staying with us?" He asked Klein. "Wish I could but I really need to find my other friends, we all game together irl. I'll see you two soon, okay?" He said looking concerned. "Alright, bye Klein be safe!" You yelled to him as he went off to search for his friends. Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound that scared you half to death. And the sky started to turn red....

  To Be Continued...

Okay, so this is the first chapter of my new Kirito x reader fanfic. DawnFanFics told me that they really wanted me to write this. I had a Kirito x reader out a little while ago, and for some reason (I forget why) I deleted it. So this  is all thanks to Dawn! Go check out they're profile! They've got some awesome stuff on there! Anyways it's like 3:30 am and imma go to bed😴 hope y'alls liked it. I'll try to update soon. This fanfic isn't gonna be exactly like the anime but it'll still be pretty good😊 if you want more please comment, vote, shair, and keep being kawaii!
Peace out my little reader~chans!


I'll meet you by the wall (Kirito x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt