Chapter 15

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I woke in the middle of the night by strange noises. The light switch was all the way across the room since I didnt have a lamp on the night stand.

And since I was to scared to get up I just sat there staring into the darkness.

When I shook the feeling off that someone was in my room I layed back down.

Just when I closed my eyes a very large and rough hand covered my mouth.

I immediantly panicked and tried to scream but was silenced by Harry putting his finger over his mouth telling me to hush.

Its only Harry. Its only Harry. I repeat to myself while I try and calm down.

"What are you doing" I whisper yell.

"Hush. They're inside. Some on the roof" He says and I pull him closer to me.


Khloe's P.O.V

"What are we going to do" I say griping him tighter.

"Open the window over there by your bed" He says and i immediately do so.

When i looked down we were far from the ground. To far to jump without breaking a ankle possibly a leg to.

"Harry its to far down for us to jump" I say going back over to him wanting to ball my eyes out.

"I know. Help me tie all these sheets and blankets together to make it look like we went out the window" Harry says and I quickly oblige. 

A few minutes past of us struggling to tie all the sheets and blankets together and suddenly we could hear the door handle start to jiggle. Luckily when Harry came in he locked the door behind him., but we could hear them shuffling outside wondering why this door was locked.

''Harry what are we gonna do. they know are in here!'' I say and the door handle starts to jiggle more harshly this time. 

''Finish that knot your on right now. This will have to do.'' He says with no emotion. When i finished the knot I stood up and grabbed my end of the rope we made.

''No here let me do it. Go get underneath the bed and don't make a sound no matter what.'' 

''What about you'' I say starting to cry. 

Suddenly we heard something hit the door HARD making it slightly bend. 

''Go now Khloe'' He says pushing me towards the bed. 

I quickly drop to the floor and climb underneath my bed watching Harry carefully tie on end on the wall rail and throw the other out the window. 

When he joined me underneath the bed the men finally broke down the door making me slightly yelp. Harry quickly covers my mouth with his large rough hand. 

''They climbed out the window sir. They couldn't have made it far on foot." one of the men said. 

''You best hope not because if they get away. Mr. Lyon will have all our heads on a stick. round the men and have a 2 mile search from all around this house. surely we can catch up to them.'' the man says before walking out. 

A few minutes after they left Harry got out to make sure they all were gone. once it was all clear he made me pack a bag of clothes to stay over at his house. 

''Do I take my car there or do i just ride with you?'' I say hoping that i don't have to be alone. 

''No we both can just take mine. I can tell your not ready to be alone just yet. Ill have Liam and Niall come and pick yours up tomorrow.'' I smile and nod following him into the garage. 

The ride to his house was silent. but a good silence. Every now and then i would catch myself from falling asleep. 

But my eyes kept getting heavier and heavier until finally I just gave up. 


When I opened my eyes I was in Harry's arms.  He was some how caring my fat ass up his stairs to a bedroom. When he laid me down he started to walk away but I grabbed a hold of his arm.

''Harry will you lay with me.'' I say sleepily

He nods and takes his shirt off while going over to the other side of the bed but doesn't take his jeans off. I roll over so im facing him and giggle. 

''What?'' He says confused.

''Just take your pants off. Sleeping in jeans arent very comfortable so just go on and take them off, don't worry... it wont phase me" I say leaning my head back on my pillow. 

''Are you sure about that.'' He says getting out of bed and loosening his belt letting his pants hit the floor and I turn my head to look at him. 

''Take a picture it'll last longer'' He says smirking and I quickly look away and lay facing the other way realizing I was staring. 

Moments later I feel the bed dip beside me and Harry's strong arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him making me yelp in surprise. 

''Just as my jeans were bothering you this is bothering me." He says tugging at the end of my shirt. 

I sit up a little bit and he slowly takes my shirt off and I lay back down. 

''Goodnight Khloe'' He says kissing my bare shoulder making my breath hitch. 


sooo sorry i havent updated in a while. havent been able to catch a breath since school started. i didnt get home last night till 11;30 from my softball game! please vote and comment for a faster update. 

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