Chapter 23

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When we got to Harry's house it was completely trashed. 

''Fuck!'' Harry yells kicking the broken glasses from the windows. 

I gasp from the sudden action and he turns around to look at me. 

''What'' I say lowly. 

He shakes his head and walks up the stairs to gather him some clothes. I stay down here and continue to look around. Soon i hear him yelling for what im assuming on the phone. 

Something about sending someone to come and replace everything and to clean it up. Most likely his dad Mr.Styles. 

God i hope Victoria didn't trash my house again. 

''Lets go'' He says with no emotion. 

Since i know hes on edge i waste no time trailing behind him back into his underground garage. 

I quietly climb into the passengers seat and look down at my feet. There is no way i am talking to him while hes like this. One moment he can be playful and the next hes totally different. 


Khloe's P.O.V

Luckily when we entered my house from the garage it was untouched. After running around back and forth today it was nearly 10 pm at night. Harry seemed to have disappeared  to the guest room so i slowly start climbing up the stairs to my bed room. 

As soon as i get comfortable in my bed i hear my phone buzzing beside me on the night stand. I groan before sitting up and and answering the phone without even checking to see who it actually was. 

''Hello'' I say trying to not to sound uninterested. 

''Oh im sorry Khloe you sound as if i woke you up'' A familiar cheery voice on the phone says. 

''Valerie how you feeling'' I say much more awake. 

''I feel much better thank you, Louis literally never left my side like at all'' 

''Aw how sweet. I feel like i havent seen you in forever'' I squeal. 

''I know right! We should go meet up for lunch together tomorrow'' 

''Sounds great, Ill have to bring Harry along though. He wont let me out of his sight'' 

''Why not. Its ok though I'll just bring Louis and we'll just have a double date thingy''She says and my stomach is invaded with butterflies from the word date. 

Are Harry and I even dating. Hes never officially asked me to be his girlfriend honestly i dont even know. I guess Ill just have him wherever i get the chance to. 

''Well its getting late i should get you some sleep goodnight Khloe'' She says before hanging up. 

''Who was that calling you this late at night'' Harry says stepping into my room making me jump. 

''Oh my gosh Harry you scared me how long have you been standing there'' I say with my hand over my heart as if i just had  a heart attack. 

''Long enough'' He smirks climbing into bed with m pulling me closer to him. 

''It was Val. She wants us to come and meet her and Louis for lunch tomorrow'' 

''Like a double date'' He says causally. 

''exactly like one, but you and i arent dating. Are we?''

''I dont do the whole dating thing. But please Khloe dont get me wrong i really do like you''

''Harry whats wrong with dating someone. Dont you want more than just some good fuck''

''What else is there'' He says i and i huff. 

''Whatever forget it Harry, i was wrong to ever think you could be something else you were made to be.'' I say making a move to leave but Harrys grip around my waist tightens. 

''Please wait. Dating isnt something Ive had luck with. It kinda scares me'' He says his eyes looking everywhere around the room trying not to make eye contact with mine. 

''What. THE Harry Styles scared. Of dating? How is this even possible.'' I say shifting so i can face him. 

''I havent had a girlfriend since I was 14. She was my only girlfriend to. Have you ever heard of the game ZAP'' He says i shake my head no. 

''Well its a stupid game. The first thing you do is have someone write the word Zap on the top of your hand and they must slap it first before continuing on with the game. Then they write a name in the palm of the players hand. Once the player looks and see's who it is they must go and ask out the person whose name was on their hand. And if that person says yes...They date for 3 days without telling them it was all a game'' He says and i gasp. 

''What the hell thats a horrible game, why would someone want to even play that'' I say and harry shakes his head. 

''Her name was Amara. She was very beautiful. One of the most popular girls in school. I had a crush on her for what seemed like forever so one day i finally had gotten the courage to ask her out. Long story short her and her friends basically laughed in my face'' He says shifting uncomfortably. 

''The next day she ended up coming and sitting with me at lunch saying she actually really did like me and would like to be my girlfriend. That was the happiest day of my life. Although I didnt know it was all just a game. We dated for 3 days until one of her friends nodded at her and she turned to look at me in the hall where practically the whole school was watching. She said she would never like someone like me and she only dated me because she was zapped. Her and the entire school laughed in my face. I cried myself to sleep that night and told myself I would never have another girlfriend again.'' He says and his eyes darken. 

''Harry none of that matters now. It was all childs play.'' 

''I suppose it is. But it doesn't change the fact that she played me. What if your trying to play me to'' He says and my stomach turns. 

''Harry I would never do that to you. If anything its me thats scared. Scared that your just waiting to get what you want and just throw me away when your done.'' 

'' You cant hold on to the past forever. Im willing to try if you are.'' 

He nods and slowly leans closer smashing his lips to mine. 


Sorry for the boring and emotional chapter. and yes zapp is a real game. there are different rules to the game but thats just how i grew up playing it. 

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