27. Not Now

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I'm saying this now, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do to you if you really love this book.

Marks POV
I sat on the couch not knowing what to do. I can't loose her now. Not with everything finally getting better again. She's.... we've already survived so much. It can't come down like this. Not now. Not now. She's my everything. My whole world. I can't loose her like I've lost my dad, or Daniel. I can't go through that again. I won't make it. I won't be that strong like I always pretend to be. I don't think Ryan and Matt would be able to take it either. All of us, we've been through so much all together. We're all family. And to have it all torn apart for the second time won't be easy to mend.

I can't think like this. Bexly will live. She always does. Daniels taking care of her. I know he is.

I covered my face with my hands to try and stop me from crying, but it was no use. Streams ran down my cheeks like a waterfall. It was all finally coming out. All these months of holding it in to act strong in front of Bexly was now finally coming out.

Someone came through the door.

"Oh ma god. Merk. I heard what's been happening and tought I should be a good friend and come and visit. Where's Bexly?" It was Jack.

I looked up at him tears still streaming down my face. I sniffled.

"Oh god. Is she..." He thought the worst.

I shook my head and sniffed again. He sighed with relief then sat down beside me and put his arm around me.

"Its ok buddy. She's gonna be ok. I know she will." He comforted me.

"She..." I sighed. "She had a kidney failure so she's I'm surgery right now. She had a seizure. I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack though. That was one of the other side effects." I explained to him.

"Oh wowzers. That's alot. Well. I know these doctors will do everything for her. I bet she's in good hands." He tried again.

"How about you go home and have a rest. Maybe shower too. You're kinda hard on the nose. I'll be here so don't worry. If anything happens I'll call you." He told me.

I nodded my head and stood up. I wiped away my tears and walked out of the hospital to my car.

I opened the front door and went straight to my recording room. I grabbed the camera and sat in the bathroom where I usually did my vlogs. Once I set it up I turned it on.

"Hey guys. So I just want to say a few things. Ugh. Bexly had a good heart transplant. They say it's working perfectly fine like a normal heart should. But as a side effect, she's had a kidney failure. Right now she's in surgery and they're trying to find an emergency donor. Hopefully they find one. Um. Could....could you guys, pray for her. Because she's all I would ever want in my life. If I could be given a choice whether to loose everything I have in life but not her or her and not everything. I would choose to loose everything I have. Because Bexly is all I need. She's all I want. And if you guys truly love me then please, pray for her. Because if she dies, then I will die too. I'll die inside. Nothing about me will be the same. I probably won't be uploading anything tomorrow. But I'll tweet what's going on. Anyways. I will see you.... in the next video. Bye bye."

I uploaded it then watched it. I realized my eyes were all puffy and red and now everyone knows I've been crying. They'll probably get it.

I got into the shower and just stood there. Every string of happiness has been stripped out me. All I thought about was her. She's my Bexly. She's can't leave me now.

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