Part 1

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Jacopo sat in the alley  way, taking his break from working. He sighed, looking up at the sky;  the murky color of dusk with stars poking out here and there. Everyone  in Lumiose said that the greatest view was at the top of Prism Tower at  any point of the day, but to him there was no better place to be than in  that alley way for some reason.

He pulled out a cigaret and a pokeball. "Hunter, can you help me light this?"

The ball popped open, and a large Pyroar appeared siting at Jacopo's feet. He gave his owner a cross expression.

"What?" Jacopo was now the one to be cross. "Can't I relax some how?"

The pokemon rolled his eyes.

"Yes I said I'd quit but not during hours, remember?"

Hunter growled at him.

"Fine," He grumbled, digging around in a pocket. "I'll light my own damn cigaret."

Jacopo pulled out a  lighter and lit the cigaret, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke  into the air above his head. All of his pokemon were opposed to him  smoking, and had been since the beginning. They knew he was trying to  quit, but there was always that one cigaret they just couldn't fight.  Always around this time as well.

After another drag on  the cigaret, releasing the smoke above his head and into the atmosphere,  Jacopo saw the outline of something on the roof. A lanky pokemon on the  edge of the roof, tail swaying over the edge. After getting a better  look, he saw it was a Persian, the stone on it's forehead glowing red  with its curved ears twitching then and again.

"That's not native." He muttered. He looked at Hunter and jabbed a thumb at the Persian. "Think someone lost it?"

It was at that moment the Persian woke up, stretched, and jumped down from the roof. It  landed gracefully before running off.

"Hey!" Jacopo turned  to Hunter. "Come on it's getting away!"

They ran after the  pokemon, heading down the alley and onto Hibernal avenue. But it didn't  stop there; it went though Cernterico Plaza, down Esatial avenue, on to  South boulevard, and then half way down North boulevard. The whole time  Jacopo was cursing under his breath with Hunter far ahead of him.

The Persian slowed down  to a walk, sitting down in front of a table at the Gallete stand. The  girl at the table was reading a book. She seemed vaguely familiar to  Jacopo, but he was too focused on the fact that he was still in hot  pursuit.

The girl and the Persian  exchanged a few words before Hunter reached them, Jacopo being met with  the confused look on the girl's face.

"Um... is this your Pyroar, sir?" she asked. "If it is you should really keep an eye on it."

"Well... so should  *glup!* you, lady!" Jacopo panted. "Did you know... that your Persian  was... clear on the other side of town?! If it weren't for me... that  cat could have been caught by a... a hunter or poacher or something..."

She gave him a funny look. "So you chased my Persian all this way to make sure it wouldn't get caught?"

Jacopo finally caught  his breath. "It's not native here, Lady, anything could happen to it.  And thanks to you I--" The realization hit him like a stone. "SHIT I'M  GOING TO BE LATE!!!"


He stopped.

The girl was now  standing up, the Persian at her feet. She looked hot. An aqua mid-drift  shirt was the only thing covering her breasts, with ripped short-shorts  being the only thing covering her waist. Her back ponytail was pulled  though a baseball cap, a black star pin being the only decoration. She  wore socks ripped at the knee and thigh, black lace up boots, and  carried a white purse. There were freckles on her face, and even though  she looked like a native she didn't quite seem like one. Something in  her accent and grey eyes said otherwise.

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