Part 2

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"I thought you had to work today!"

"No, I get weekends off. Sorry to burst your bubble, lady."

Jacopo was frying rice   in the kitchen, his bathrobe on and hair a mess. Juli was getting   dressed in the bathroom. "Though, the requirement for my days off is   that I go out and deal with the grocer and buy stuff at the market.   Since Le Wow gets the second pick, I don't need to be there till ten."

"Why do you get second pick?"

"Best restaurant gets   first pick, and the best in the city is Sushi High Roller." He turned   the burner off and tossed the rice in the air a few times to mix the  egg  and vegetables in evenly. "You don't mess with those guys. Almost  as  bad as some of the gangs around here... grub's done by the way."

The bathroom door  opened  and Juli emerged, looking refreshed after her bath. While she  ate,  Jacopo got washed up and dressed as well, though not before making  sure  all of their pokemon were fed, leaving two stones in front of the  closet  door.

"Shame," Juli said,   watching Jacopo eat his meal. "I was going to challenge you at your   restaurant in a double battle, but I guess all good things come to  those  who wait."

Jacopo stopped eating and looked at her. "... That means your going to stay here till I go back to work, doesn't it?"

"We had a deal!"

"Yeah? But hat deal   didn't include getting on my nerves and eating my food." He sighed,   finishing off the last few scraps of food. "Great, food negotiations and grocery shopping."

"Stop complaining, it can't be as bad as all that."

Jacopo grumbled and cleared the dishes. "I've got chores to do already, lady."

"Then I'll do them. "   Jacopo was about to fight back before Juli shouted over him, "And I   swear I won't go in your bedroom! The closet will stay shut!"

Jacopo glared at her.   Her eyes were still as intense as last night, a grey shimmer almost. It   made her look... not hot but something else. A word he wouldn't permit   himself to think. But he saw trust in them all the same.

"... Laundry needs to   get washed, living room vacuumed, dishes cleaned and put away, kitchen   cleaned, bathroom scrubbed, and the apartment dusted, swept, and   mopped." He looked over at Fieri, who was hanging on the monkey bars.   "You stay here and lend them a hand, alright? No monkey business,  Fieri,  that's for the battles. If your good, you'll get the evening  off.  Fair?"

Fieri chattered excitedly, looking over at Juli and smiling.

"Hunter, you know the   drill." Jacopo grabbed his coat and laced his shoes up. "I'll be back   around the middle of the afternoon. If I'm not back by six, call the   cops or something."

Juli laughed before agreeing, saying goodbye as Jacopo exited the apartment with Hunter.

Jacopo stopped at the   Gallete stand to get potential snacks for him and everyone else back at   the apartment before biking down to Hibernal Avenue. He chained his  bike  once he reached the back of the restaurant, waving a hello to the   grocer. As always, Sushi High Roller ended up getting the better pick,   but there were a few beauties that the previous buyer seemed to have   glanced over. They negotiated prices for a while before Jacopo signed   the check and handed it to the grocer. He'd asked about getting some   groceries for himself, but it was to no avail.

It was high noon when  he  and Hunter bought enough ingredients for the next few meals, along  with  a few other necessities such as bedding and sheets for the pull  out  bed. He stocked up on stones the day before, being glad that he had  a  good connection with the owner of the place. If he didn't...

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