
34 5 13

I was tagged by Redhead_Mars !

Favorite Band: Ashes Remain (OMG THEY ARE AMAZING!!! My favorite song by them is up top!)

Favorite YouTuber: Markiplier

Who I look up to on Wattpad: UnkownDreamer and MysterySisters

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

Speak any Language: English, Japanese, some Spanish and Greek

Sasuke or Naruto: Naruto (Sorry Sasuke fans, he's great too!)

Thoughts on USA: Eh... Society could be better...

Give up Internet or Family: Internet (But I need them both!!)

Favorite Disney Princess: Jasmine

Least favorite person: Justin Bieber (I don't care if I lose all followers for this, but I just don't like him... I'm ready to be judged!)

Llamas or Yaks: Llamas

Favorite Video Games: The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Pokémon and Super Smash Bros Brawl/Wii U

Thoughts on 1D: They're awesome! I love most of their songs! ^^ Not a total fangirl, but their really cool..!

I hope that was okay! ^^ BUH-BYE!!

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