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Yoo, just got tagged by my friend Amberfang2000 , again, so.. let's do this my dudes, this one has a bunch of questions, so I'll try and keep it brief:

1. First Song on my iPod
I never owner an iPod, but the first song that I ever downloaded on my first phone was the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. Scariest Experience
Um... in the 4th grade, there was this huge science-lab thing at my school, and my class finally reached it's set time to go. We got there, and later, I was super disappointed; the FIRST station I went to was blood slide samples under microscopes, and the lady drawing blood asked for a volunteer. None of the other kids in my group would do it, and I wanted to do the experiment really bad, so I offered up. I got my blood drawn from my wrist to use, and a little after I start feeling woozy and lightheaded. One of my friends ask if I'm alright as I start pacing, and then I suddenly pass out (as I was having a panic attack, because I'm prone to seizures, though not epilepsy). I woke up in the hospital with my step-dad.

3. Number of Siblings
Twelve, if you count half and step siblings

4. What I'm Good At
Well.. I don't know. I'm not good at these questions, but I do like to draw, animate, and play video games.

5. Where I'd Like To Live
Japan (preferably Kyushu), it's really nice

6. What I'm Bad At
Being positive, only doodling when I draw (I end up putting too much detail), asking for help, telling people what I want/need, getting enough sleep, algebra, art commissions, social situations, answering questions—

7. Favorite Singer (female)
Oh Lord, um.. Lzzy Hale (Halestorm)

8. Favorite Singer (male)
I literally cannot choose, so... here's a list of my top favorites:
•Chad Kroeger (Nickelback) (fIgHt mE)
•Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace/Thousand Foot Krutch/Big Dirty Band/Saint Asonia)
•Chester Bennington (LINKIN PARK)
•Cody Carson (Set It Off)
•Brendon Urie (Panic! at the Disco)
•David Draiman (Disturbed)
•Vic Fuentes (Pierce the Veil)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)
•John Cooper (Skillet)
•Tommy Vext (Bad Wolves/Divine Heresy/Snot/Five Finger Death Punch)
•Dan Reynolds (Imagine Dragons)
•Paul McCoy (12 Stones)

9. Favorite Band
Um.. basically every one listed above with the singers, but then add Breaking Benjamin and Thousand Foot Krutch. My apologies I can't choose.

10. Coke or Pepsi
Easy, Pepsi

11. Last Two Concerts I Went To
Nickelback and Halestorm

12. Celebrity Crush (female)
Lzzy Hale (goddamn I love her)

13. Celebrity Crush (male)
Jake Gyllenhaal
((I'm bi, so I will answer both of these^^))

14. Cats or Dogs
This isn't even a questions: Dogs

15. Month I Was Born In

16. Favorite Fruit

17. Favorite Vegetable

18. My Biggest Worry At The Moment
My parents don't believe me about my depression (even though, y'know, I was tAkeN tO a DoCtOr) and it's just gonna get worse, because the only help I really have is my friends (this is sorta my biggest worry, but I have too many, so.. here)

19. Favorite Color(s)
Lavender Purple

20. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Cookie Dough (not really a flavor, I know)

21. My Role Model
Don't.. really have one, I guess Hayao Miyazaki?

22. Ever Had a Job
No, I don't want one until until I'm almost or out of High School

23. Bath or Shower
Shower, they're faster, and you don't sit in dirty water

24. Do You Have a Lot of Friends
Eh.. I mean, I suppose so?

25. Do You Think You're Good Looking
Oh hell no

26. What Do You Think About Cheating
It's underhanded and dumb. I get it, it's difficult to face a break up, but just deal with it. And doing it to be greedy and have more guys/girls is absolutely disgusting— if we're talking about just general cheating, then I dunno, kick their ass in Monopoly or something, everyone cheats in those games—

27. Do You Have a Crush Right Now
Yes, he's my current partner

28. Single or Taken
Taken ^

29. Straight, Bisexual, or Gay
I am Bi, but also fine with Poly relationships

30. Favorite Pizza Topping
Most types of meat

31. Favorite Song At The Moment
Well, my favorite ALBUM at the moment is "Comin' In Hot" by Divide the Day

32. Last Song You Listened To
TMNT 2012 Theme Song

33. What Can You Hear Right Now
My laptop playing TMNT 2012 episodes, and the mini fan in my room

34. Last Thing You Watched on TV
....TMNT 2012

35. Reason For Last Argument
The question above about Coke or Pepsi
— —

Okay, I'm done. Hopefully this information was entertaining enough, I suppose—

Y e e t

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