chapter one

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Lacey's pov

When fire burnt the earth to a crisp, chaos erupted throughout. People were scared for their lives, with no hope of a savior coming to their rescue. Only the rich, and strong could survive. Finding that the only planet actually habitable was Mars.

Once on the new planet, people separated into seven different colonies. The black wolf colony was one of the top deadly colonies. That's where the savages went. And our colony was called The blood moon colony.

I was born on mars. Ten years after the people had separated into colonies. Our colony was a warrior colony. We were up there with the black wolf colony, in fact they were our most dangerous enemies. And right as we speak, we were at war.

I was in training to be a warrior. I was at the top of my class. My idol you might ask, would have to be the Greek goddess Athena. "Lacy, it's your turn" my good friend Nina said to me , interrupting me from my thoughts.

This class, built more like a stadium. It was basically just a round building with steps going all around, no ceiling. The center of the building was just the hard ground of the planet. Getting up from my seat. I made my way out into the center of the field. I grabbed my sword out from the pocket I kept it in and began to launch an attack at my opponent. The cool things about these swords, were that they were pocket fitable. One quick push of the button and the sword stretched out to its normal height.

My opponent was a male. Tall and blonde. He was shaking from head to toe. He just looked petrified. He used his sword as a shield, to attempt at blocking all of my attacks. I quickly twirled my sword around like a baton until I knew that I had him baffled. I then threw my sword down into the dry dirt and drop kicked him so that he was now laying flat on his back in the dirt. Grabbing my sword, I put it up against the boys neck.

Tears started to quickly flow down the boys cheeks. Removing my sword from his neck, I offered him my hand, and helped him up off of the ground.

"You sure you want to be a warrior?" I smirked at the boy. His cheeks blushed a crimson red. I didn't mean to embarrass the boy. But honestly you shouldn't try to train to be a warrior if you're that scared. Some people just weren't cut out for this job.

"You just got a lucky break. I-I'll get you next time" the boy stuttered as he said this. I gave him a light hearted smile before walking back to my seat.

Class ended ten minutes ago and I was now making my way back to my sleeping quarters.
The walk back to my sleeping quarters was a long one. See when you're training to be a warrior. You don't get to live with your parents anymore. You get to live with all of the other kids training to he warriors. I knew my parents would be very proud of me if they could see me now.

My parents were very powerful you could say. They were both strong warriors and in fact my mother was the leader to our colony. Also another reason why I was training to be a warrior, I was technically up next to the throne so to speak. So I had to know how to protect myself. I didn't have friends for that same reason. My mother told me it was a weakness to have friends and that, since they new I had power, they would only try to use me.

I wasn't the type of girl to believe in love either, but I didn't really have to considering my parents had already arranged a marriage for me as soon as I turn seventeen. I have never met the guy that I am going to be marrying. But I could take a bet and say that I most likely won't like him anyways. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am strong and independent and could care less about petty things such as love and soul mates.

Yes, on mars there was a such thing as soul mates. You generally met your soul mate when you turned seventeen. Although being a ruler it was different you couldn't just drop everything and be with your soul mate. No you had to marry to form peace, or gain more power. Oddly enough though you only had a soul mate if you were born on mars. My parents weren't born on mars so they didn't have one. It all sounded like a crock of bull shit if you asked me though.

A crack of leaves brought me back to the present. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was still about a twenty minute walk before I would even reach the living quarters.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could smell rain the air and knew it wouldn't be long before a storm set in. As a warrior you learn that shutting on of your senses off allows your other senses to be five times stronger.

Concentrating on my hearing, I heard the wind blowing the leaves against the ground. I could also hear the crackle of foot steps. Quickly opening my eyes to see where the danger was, but it was too late. The enemy was right on me. I could have gotten out my sword and attempted to fight them off, but there were too many. I was roughly grabbed by my waist and thrown over someone's shoulder. As I tried to fight and wriggle out of the person's arms, I was punched in my side. I yelled out in pain before I finally just gave up. So much for being a tough warrior.


Zane pov

I was beyond frustrated that I was now eighteen years old and I still haven't found my mate. I knew that she just had to be out there somewhere. "Zane, go greet your father at the gates. He has brought back with him a...guest if you will."

My mother said with a smirk on there face. My parents were great people and they strongly believed in soul mates. They were actually at war with the blood moon pack over that. Let's just say that they were killing people for having and finding there soul mates. They were such a cruel colony.

Walking down the hallway and outside. The cool air nipped at my skin causing goosebumps to crawl against my half naked body. That was when the scent hit me. I had found my soul mate finally. Her strawberry scent did things to my soul. There she lay next to the gate, knocked out from the looks of it. She had beautiful blonde hair and green eyes. She had curves in all of the right places, and I just wanted to go up to her, pull her into my arms and tell her that I would protect her for the rest of my life. Looking from my father and back to my mate I realized she was not an intended guest, but a prisoner.

"Who is she?" I asked my father, I could feel my face turning red with anger at how my people had treated my queen.

"Her name is Lacey she is the daughter to the queen of the blood moon colony. I'm going to teach them a lesson" my father claimed, a smile on his face.

"She's by soul mate" I said to my father. Never allowing my eyes to move away from my mate. It got quiet and nobody mad a move to say anything, so I looked up at my father.

"Well this complicates things a bit. Doesn't it. Okay well you take her up to your room, get her cleaned up. Explain things to her and then bring her down for dinner."

My father said. "What of her parents though"

"It changes nothing. In fact makes things a little more easier. The plan was to just kill her and make them realize what it is like to lose a loved one. But alas, she can never go back home. That's for sure. I'll still tell her parents that I killed her. Got to find a way for evidence on that though. Enough talk. I'll see you at dinner" my father said walking off with his crew, back inside the house. Leaving me all alone with my soul mate.

I gently picked her up and my arms, inhaling her scent. I carefully walked her up to my room and layed her gently on the bed. I lay down beside her and waited for her to wake up.

My Father Kiddnapped My SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now