chapter two

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Lacey pov

I woke up a little startled, having no idea where I was even at. I was laying on a bed. A boy, maybe a couple years older than me lay beside me. He has Brown hair and Brown eyes. I found myself drawn to him somehow. "Who the fuck are you, and where am I?"

Realizing I was still laying on the bed, I got up on my feet and groaned at the instant pain that came with my movements. I began to slowly pace back and fourth, trying to walk the pain off so to speak. The room I was in was small. There was a bed in the center of the room. Pictures of a happy family displayed on the white walls. A small Brown dresser with a smart tv.

"You're going to be fine. Just take a deep breath" the boy said to me. Now standing in one spot, my arms folded against my chest. I glared at the man who pretty much told me to calm down, as if I had been overreacting.

"Okay let me put it to you like this" I began. "How about I have my fucking colony kidnap you and beat you and drag you back to our sleeping quarters and see how calm you are." I finished, anger lacing every word.

"Okay I was just trying to make you feel better." The boy now had a look of defeat on his face.

I realized I might have been a bit harsh to him. But I was in a strange place, with people I didn't know from Adam. He didn't expect me to get kidnapped and just be a okay with it did he?

"That's the bathroom" the boy pointed to the door next to the dresser, that was shut. "When you get done, I'll take you down stairs to dinner" he said. Running his left hand through his Brown hair.

"No thanks I would rather die than eat with you people." And with that, I turned on my heals and walked into the bathroom.

The hot water felt soothing running down my skin. I had a very big bruise on my left hip. I scrubbed my entire body with soap, creating a bubble effect. I started singing to myself a song I once heard my mom sing to me "closed off from love I didn't need the pain. Once or twice was enough but it was all in vein. Time starts to pass before you know it your frozen."

I washed the soap from my skin and quickly dried off and got redressed. Walking out of the bathroom I took in my surroundings, and found that the boy hadn't locked me in. I slowly opened the door, unsure if there were guards. Finding that there wasn't. I made my way down a long hallway. Only to find a little girl, about four years old clinging onto my leg. I should have just picked her up and moved her. But I had a soft spot for kids.

"Come play wif me" the little girl said. As she unlatched herself from my leg, she quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room. The room was painted pink, the carpet was pink. Even the little girls bed was pink. She had baby dolls covering the floors. She grabbed one and handed her to me. "This is dolly" the little girl said.

I sat Indian style next to the little girl and began to play with the dollies with her. I needed to escape this place but Damnit she was pulling at my heart strings.


Zane pov

I was in the kitchen with my parents, and a few other members of our colony. "So Zane, how is it going with you and your mate?" My mother piped I. We were all sitting at the table eating dinner. I took a bite of my fresh garden green beans. My mom had her very own garden. She supplied fruit and vegetables to everyone in our colony.

"Well. She wants nothing to do with me at the moment." I said. I'll admit I was pretty hurt about it. I had to put myself in her shoes though and realize that she was in a strange place surrounded by people she didn't know. I had to earn her trust. Damnit I would spend forever trying to do that though.

"Give it time sweetie pie, she just has to warm up to you is all." Mom said while taking a drink of orange juice.

Meanwhile my father and a couple other guys from our colony were at the other end of the table discussing work.

Currently the only colony we were at war with, was the blood moon colony. The other colonies were fine with us. We mostly kept to ourselves. Yet at the same time, we allowed trade. By trade I mean we had our fighters meet up with different colonies and we would offer our fruit or vegetables in exchange for weapons or clothes. It was all very standard.

"Son, I want you to keep an eye on that girl and make sure she doesn't harm anyone in our colony. Did you happen to take her weapon away from her? Or at least make sure she didn't have any other weapons on her person's?" My father inquired.

"No I didn't check to see if she had any weapons, I'm trying to gain her trust, not lose it completely." I mumbled under my breath, aware that my father could hear me.

"Well if she harms anyone, I won't promise to not harm her. I will treat her just like I would any other colony member of ours." I knew that my father meant every word too.

I honestly didn't know what I was going to do if I could never gain her trust. I knew one thing for certain, I just had to get to know her. Everything about her intrigued me, and I had to admit that her foul mouth did things to me. I never liked a chick with a foul mouth, but coming from her it was just sexy.

Finishing up with dinner, I put the dishes in the sink and made my way back to my room to find my mate gone.

I began to frantic. I took a deep breath and decided to rely on our soul mate bond. As I walked down the hall I could smell her scent and I stood outside the door gazing into Kayla, my baby sister's room. There my mate was, playing with dolls with my baby sister and a warm and fuzzy feeling came over me. I hated to admit it but in that very moment I was a little jealous of my baby sister, in that moment I wanted to be my baby sister. Just so I could be closer to my mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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