《 1 》

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It was a long , scorching hot day and it was soon to be sunset.
"We better reopen, it's almost dinner time and customers might arrive soon" you say cheerfully.

"Mm" said Namjoon as he opened the door of the restaurant.

It has almost been a year since you've moved to seoul and started working at 'Jin's noodle box'.
You ( aged 19 ) felt the need to leave from Busan away from your parents as you are a young , independent lady.

You have a tight budget and barely make a living from the restaurant to buy things, but your not the type to accept help from your parents either. Most of your hours are overtime which can last till 3am.

" Welcome ! " you yelled across the room as the first few customers enter the restaurant.
You quickly seat them on the wooden tables and hand them a menu.

More and more people slowly arrived and you began serving them and cleaning the tables after they finished.
This job is quite tiring so you would be huffing and puffing as you did your job.

Suddenly a young, handsome guy with a fancy suit walked in.
Your heart skipped a beat..
"wow.." you mumbled and ran to him to be seated.

" welcome! " you said shyly as you passed him the menu.
He didn't repond in any way, he just stared at you deeply.. so deeply that it looked like he could read your soul.

You blushed and took his order,
"What would you like to eat today? " you smiled and held a paper note pad and pen infront of you.

"Spicy noodles with some side dishes" he said with a pleasant but out of it tone.

He seemed really tired and really moody so you said no more.

You ran to Jin who was the chef in the kitchen and gave him the order.
" right away ! " as he began cutting up some peppers
You smiled and waited.

The restaurant gradually became emptier and that guy was soon the last one left.

" serves up ! " Jin shouted as he placed the bowl of spicy noodles on the bench while banging on the ring bell.

You placed your tangling hair gently behind your ear and fix up your apron neatly.
Then you picked up the spicy noodles and took your way down towards the customer who was on his phone,

Suddenly Namjoon was walking towards your direction backwards with dirty dishes in his hands.. this isn't good.

" Namjoon watch out !" You screamed.
* splash *
You unexpectedly spill the hot noodles onto that guys suit and fall onto him with it.

" OMG.. I'm sorry Y/N !! " Namjoon cried with concern.
" I'll get something to clean you both up with " he said while he ran into the kitchen with the dishes.

You picked yourself up and tried to wipe the hot noodles off his pants as best as you possibly could.

Your fingers burned like hell but this wasn't the time to be worried about that.

He suddenly grabbed your wrist and stared at you .
" watch where you touching " he grinned.

You turned bright red, with everything just happening too quicky you had no clue what you were doing so you just apologized over and over again.

" sorry ! " you said embarrassed.
He was clearly pissed off and you tried your best to make him feel better.

" i can buy you the exact same suit if you want? " you said as you begged
" hmm sure... that'll be over $300,000" he said glaring at you
" and this suit is one of a kind from France " he said sighing.

" I'm sorry.. but could i pay in installments? " you said almost breaking into tears.

" no. I have another idea. Be my slave for a month or pay me right now." He smirked

" uhh.. i can't... " you mumbled
" 1 month. " he grinned at you
" ok. Deal!" You said while exchanging your numbers.

You were far to naive that the idea of becoming his 'slave' didn't even hit you yet.

" i have some rules, if you don't obey them i shall punish you" he smiled
You couldn't get out of it now.

"1. Always listen to your master
2. I can do what ever i want with you
3. You can't leave me for someone else." He smirked in an unwelcoming way.

" ok. Whats your name? and what should i call you? My name is Y/N." you said in reponse to his rules

"Y/N... I'm Park Jimin but you could call me oppa or master" he said getting close to you

Suddenly Namjoon came rushing back and stood between you and jimin.

He handed you both a clean, folded towel which was warm from hot water.
Suga walked in with a mop and cleaned up.

" what a bother." he mumbled silently.

" it's fine " Jimin said as he shoved the towel to you.

" i'd will expect to see you soon" he smirked and walked out side of the restaurant.

The bell from the exit ringed and Namjoon slowly approached you.
" he doesn't look like a good guy, becareful with customers like him next time ok?" He chuckled and walked off and almost slipped on the wet, cleaned floor.

You giggled and suga just yelled at Namjoon for dirting the floor again.
" so dopey " you said to your self

Suddenly your phone vibrated in your pocket, who on earth would call you while your working.. you sighed

You reached in your apron's pocket to get your phone to be so suprised ..
"Why?" You mumbled.


《 Thank you for choosing to read this novel, i appreciate it so much!
Please vote and comment and i will always try my best to respond.
Other than that.. please read on and support my love for bts ♡》

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