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"Jimin, do you like me?" You blush Slightly.
He paces himself away slowly and gazed scornfully into your eyes.

" You're just a toy to me, so dont fall for me." He sighed and began moving towards you for a kiss.
Your heart sunk so deeply, you fought the pain and panicked.

" don't touch me ... don't kiss me! " you screamed and stepped away.
" i can do whatever i like.. unless you pay up that $300,000 you owe me!" He smirked and pushed you violently on the floor.

You tumbled onto the wooden floorboards and glared vacantly up at Jimin.
" I'm your master. And you're my slave. So obey my rules!" he enraged.

You sat there in silence, you've never seen him this mad before.
He walked off and stomped into a room while slamming the door behind him.
You tried to stand up but your ankle wasn't doing so well.

When Jimin pushed you, you must've twisted your ankle and it hurt like crazy.

You managed to pull yourself up off the floor by supporting yourself with the kitchen bench.
You hopped to the nearest chair in discomfort and rubbed your sore ankle.
" he might still be angry with me, so i shouldn't argue any further " you mummbled

" is there any cream for my ankle?" You questioned and searched around the kitchen with your eyes.
But there was nothing.

You sat there for half an hour, just staring deeply outside the kitchen window and having deep thoughts.

" Jimin's in the wrong and i didn't do anything wrong but i feel bad .. " you rolled your eyes and lay your head onto the marbled bench.
You decided to finally get up and endure the pain.

You limped yourself into the guest bathroom and looked for cream.
" it was here the whole time?! " you shouted and held the tube of healing cream

You applied the slighest bit onto your ankled and rubbed it into the skin of your ankle gently until it was sheer and shiny.

" hopefully this will get better before he realises " you sighed and patted your ankle softly.
You limped into the kitchen and decided to bake something for Jimin.

"Since I'm here to pay my off my dept i might as well do it properly!" You heedlessly smiled and began invading the fridge.
You were going to make him meat stew kimchi jjigae for dinner and a strawberry tart pastry for dessert.

You began preparing it as fast as possible and when you were waiting you found a piece of clean, white paper and blue pen on the table in the living room, so you decided to write a small pleading letter.

Dear jimin..
I apologize for not obeying your rules carefully and i promise to try better in the future, please accept the food i made you. Eat well ~~
Ahh.. i wouldn't let you go either. Please repay me back an apology!! :^)
Sincerely, Sorry ~ Y/N!!

" done! " you smiled and ran back into the kitchen.
You tasted the stew, " hmmm perfect!" You squealed and turned off the stove.
You place some stew into two bowls and you ate one.
" this tastes amazing.. i should consider being a chef " you laughed in sarcasm.

You took out the hot, delicious strawberry tarts carefully and placed one onto a large white tray with the beef stew.
You placed the final touches like a spoon and fork, then covered everything with a lid so it wouldn't get cold.

My Bad Boy Jimin // Bts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now