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Suddenly a tall, young guy walks in and stands right infront of you.
" may i sit here? " he askes.
You look up in shock and point directly at him.

"I know you! " you shouted.
He placed his belongings next to you and sat beside you.

You stared him down constantly until he turned towards you and smiled.
He smiled widely, showing his bright white teeth.

You stared at him..
" you're the guy i bumped into yesterday on the bus!! Sorry about that.. " you shouted.
He sighed..

" yeah, When i saw you.. you reminded me of someone. " he said while leaning on the table.
You laughed and began to draw again.
" who? " you questioned

" her name was Y/N " he smiled
You gasped in disbelief and barely could contain yourself.
" my name is Y/N " you chuckled.
" Y/N .. " he smirked

" i knew it was you!! " Taehyung cheered and hugged you tightly
" Taehyung? "
You gasped for air but you gave in and hugged him back.

Taehyung was your childhood friend, he was the only one who would listen to your problems.
" i really missed you " Taehyung exclaimed while letting go and pinching your cheeks.

You smiled awkwardly and stared at him.
" yea.. uh - " you replied while being cut off.
" you've become sooo pretty.. i mean not like you weren't before but like yea.." he giggled

"Ahh. Well it's nice to see you again.. Oh.. you've lost alot of weight " you smiled and pointed at his none existing belly.

" it's not nice to point at people. " he smirked and tapped your finger away.
You blushed and began to draw again.
" that's so good! " he pointed at your drawing while wowing in amazement.

" don't point it's rude!" You giggled
Taehyung laughed and took out his sketch book and pencils.
He glided the pencil softly onto the paper and started to sketch.
His wrist was moving so quickly and thin lines covered the paper in no time.

" here's style of art work! " he grinned.
You looked over and yelped in shock
" you drew that in less than 5 minute ?! " you exclaimed.

It was a drawing of a landscape with beautiful trees surrounding it.
It wasn't very detailed but if you looked closely you could see it coming together.

" teach me your ways ! " you mummbled.

he laughed brightly.

" i began drawing because you always liked drawing. I love it. " he winked
You smiled and thumbed him up.

" I'm glad you like it too " you laughed.

The teacher walked in so suddenly that you could barely finish your sentence.
" chop chop !" She yelled.

After your lessons ended you decided to head home.
It's been 2 days since you felt the comfort of your own house, you missed it actually.

Once you arrived you threw your bags onto the ground and flew straight onto your bed.

You turned on your phone and checked everything, like instagram.
Suddenly a text comes through, you see a text from Jin.

"Ugh" you yawned and clicked it open.

* do you mind coming in? Namjoon is coming in late *
You sighed and replied.
* I'm on my way. *
You managed to pull yourself up and get to work.

"Im so tired..." you grumbled and dragged your feet against the floor.

As soon as you arrived you greet the mommy chef, Jin.
He apologized and told you to hurry up before costumers arrive.

So you did what he said and got changed.

You waited for plenty of hours and there was still no sign of human life in the restaurant other than you and Jin.
Today was really empty...

Suddenly the door bell rung and Jimin walked in with a red flannel and shades.

" Jimin?!" You whispered to yourself.
He sat and looked at his phone.
"Why is he here ?"

You questioned in curiosity.
You decided to go speak with him so you walked towards him.
" why are you here? " you mummbled.

You stood there talking to nothing. Maybe Jimins phone if you were lucky.

" Jimin? " you smiled annoyed.
"Mm?" He looked up.
" why are you here ?" You repeated.
"Do you talked to all your customers like that?" He smiled fakely and looked back at his phone.

" haha.... " you laughed fakely.
" what would you like? " you said while fixing your apron.
" coffee. " he responded.
"Coffee?! Were not a cafe. " you mummbled.

He took off his shades and looked up.
" i said coffee." He grumbled
He wasn't in a very good mood.
"Fine." You rolled your eyes and walked off.

Suddenly the bell rung again and another customer walks in.
" welcome!" you bowed.
" Y/N ?! You work here ? " Taehyung cheered.

" ahh. Yea. " you waved.
He paced him self towards you and your head was then burried in his muscular chest.

You pulled yourself away from his hug and replied with " im working ." And sighed.

He stared at you and smiled.
" i know you're not comfortable yet. But i will make you like me. " he said with confidence.

In shock you blush and hide your face with your fingers.

In the back you could see Jimin glaring down at Taehyung.
You didn't like what you saw.

" i must serve my customer.." you ran off and prepared a coffee.
As you bring the coffee towards Jimin, a fight was breaking out.

You placed the coffee down and dashed towards Jimin and Taehyung.
Jimin was clearly pissed off and clutched his hands onto taehyungs collar.
" dont touch her. " he growled and he threw him away.

Taehyung threw a punch at Jimin's face, " don't tell me what to do!" Teahyung shouted.

" Guys cut it out!! " you said pulling Taehyung away.
" this guy thinks he owns you ! " Taehyung yelled.

" calm down !" you shouted
Jimin held his right cheek in disgust and glared at Taehyung.

" please stop! " you enraged
Jimin immediately walks towards Taehyung and pushes him to the ground.

" Yaa!!! " you screamed.

Before anything got even worse you blocked Jimin from touching Taehyung again.

Jimin scrunched his face and held your wrist.

" she's mine !" He growled while tighting his grip of your wrist.
You couldn't pull yourself away.

Suddenly Jimin pulled you in for a kiss and placed his lips roughly onto yours.


My Bad Boy Jimin // Bts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now