The Green Haired Boy in the Street

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Signe's POV:

I walk along the road, staring at the map on my phone. I look up at the road name and become even more confused. I can't believe I got lost again.

I start to feel rain drops hit my face.

Great. Why didn't I think to bring an umbrella with me? I've lived in Ireland for 2 weeks and I still haven't learnt!

I start walking down a different street. I look at my phone again hoping for a sign. Anything that could that would tell me which way to go.

I suddenly crash into the person in front of me. I look down to see a man with green hair falling to the floor.

How fast was I walking!? Oh no.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I didn't see you! Are you okay?" I ask, offering my hand to help him up. 

He turns around, now sitting on the ground, and looks at me. I immediately get lost in his amazing blue eyes.

He smiles at me and chuckles, showing his brilliant smile. "It's fine, I promise; maybe you should look ahead when you're walking through eh?"

I feel my cheeks heat up feeling embarrassed. "I am so sorry.. Are you sure you're okay?"

He stands to his feet. "Honestly, I'm fine. I'm sad I can't say the same thing about you through!" He explains, looking me up and down. "You look soaked!"

"Well thanks!" I laugh looking down at my soaking clothes. "It serves me right for not bringing an umbrella though."

He laughs. "Do you want to take some shelter from this rain? I was just on my way to get a coffee, care to join me?" He asks. I smile.

"That would be great actually, thanks"

"Great!" He smiles. We start walking to the nearby coffee shop.

"I'm Sean, by the way."


He smiles and mutters something I don't quite catch.


"So where are you from Signe? You're clearly not from Ireland judging by your accent." He asks as we sit down with our coffees.

"Yeah I'm from Denmark actually." I tell him trying to warm my hands up. "What about you Sean? I'm guessing you're very much Irish from your accent" I laugh.

He laughs too. "Yeah, I'm very Irish. I've lived in Ireland my entire life."

"And you've managed to put up with this weather for all that time as well?"

"Well, you get used to it. Sometimes the sun shines, but only on the good days" He smiles again.

I can't help but laugh.

"And what brings you over to rainy Ireland?" he chuckles.

"I got offered a job over here in digital art and decided to take it. It's always been something I've had a big interest in doing. I'd never been to Ireland before so it's been very scary, and I still keep getting lost." I laugh and look down at my hot coffee. "It's been hard. Leaving home, living somewhere completely different and far away from everything you know. But I've been dreaming of an amazing opportunity like this for so long, I couldn't just turn it down due to fear! Sometimes you've got to face your fears in order to be happy."

I look back up at him and see him staring.

I blush. "What are you staring at?"

"You" he simply says.

I look down again and feel my cheeks heat up even more. "There's not much to look at, honestly..."

I feel my hands being embraced and look back up and meet Sean's eyes. "I don't think so"

I smile at him. He smiles back.

"I like your smile" He says flatly.

My smile widens. "Thanks, I like yours too"

We continue to look into each other's eyes for what seems like eternity. I start to feel butterflies and sparks.

Am I falling for him? Maybe I am. He's so kind and gorgeous. And his eyes! I could look into them forever.

"Can I have your number?" He suddenly asks, bringing me back to reality.

I nod and hand him my phone. He hands me his and I type in my number.

He smiles and looks outside. The rain has slowed down.

"Can I walk you home?" Sean asks,

I smile back at him. "You may"

We stand and walk out of the coffee shop into the chilly Irish air.

"So whereabouts do you live?" Sean asks taking my hand in his.

I feel sparks once again. I tell him my apartment building and he looks at me wide eyed.

"Really? That's just around the corner from my apartment!"

I grin. "I guess you'll be seeing a lot more of me then!"

He smiles "That's alright with me"

We walk across the street in silence until we reach the entrance to my apartment building.

"Thanks for the coffee" I smile.

"No problem" he grins still holding my hand. "Can I see you again tomorrow?"

My smile widens. "I would love to"

We stare at each other for a few moments. I feel so comfortable in his presence.

His face starts shining and we look up to see that the rain is slowing down and the sun is just showing through the clouds.

"See?" Sean smiles with the biggest grin on his face.

I look at him confused.

He looks down at me and smiles. "The sun shines on the good days."

I can't help but smile back at him.

Today has been a good day and all because I ran into the green haired boy in the street.

A bit of a longer one shot for you people! :D  And my first one! I was getting the feels whilst writing it so I hope you did too ;D

(I'm sorry if there are any mistakes)

I hope you enjoyed <3

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