Hospital beauty

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I stroll through the hospital corridors looking at all the patients with their visitors. I had just seen the doctor about my sprained hand and thought I would have a peek.
I look into the rooms smiling at all the families visiting their loved ones until I stop and look inside one room to see a girl who looks about my age, with no visitors. I frown. That's funny.
I walk in and walk around the bed to look at her properly.
She has strawberry blonde hair, a cute button nose and pale pink lips. I look at the machine she's hooked up to. Her heart rate is very slow. Maybe she's in a very deep sleep?
"Excuse me"
I jump slightly and spin around to see a young nurse with brown hair standing at the door with a clipboard.
"Hi, umm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come in, I don't even know who this girl is, I just saw that she didn't have any visitors and I was just interested" I say nervously.
The nurse smiles at me "That's quite alright. Signe hasn't had any visitors since she's been here" her smile fades at the end.
Signe. What a beau- Wait.
"No visitors?" I repeat confused. How has this beautiful girl had no visitors?!
"She was in a car accident with her parents and sister just over 6 months ago." She pauses for a moment. "Her parents died on the scene. Her sister died just after they arrived here" she looks down sadly. I stand still, shocked.
This girl was in a car accident with her family. She was the only survivor and now she's on her own. And she has no idea because she's been in a coma for the last 6 months.
I sit in the seat next to Signe and hold onto her hand.
The nurse looks over Signe and checks off everything on her clipboard.
I look up at her. "Could I possibly come and visit her tomorrow?" I ask quietly trying not to disturb the silence.
The nurse smiles at me kindly. "What's your name?"
"Sean" I reply.
"Well Sean, I can definitely put you on the list for visitors." She beams at me.
I grin at her. "Thankyou... Emily" I read her name tag.
It's been 3 weeks and I've visited Signe everyday.
At first my Ma was worried that I may get close her and she may never wake up. But I keep saying to her that I'm not giving up hope and I'm not leaving her to wake up with no one by her side.
Now she is just happy that I'm not just inside playing video games all day. She gave me a vase so I could buy some flowers and brighten Signe's room up a bit.
I have gotten to know all of the nurses and they all know me.
"You're a lovely young man Sean. I'm sure Signe would be glad that she has such amazing company" they say to me.
I tell Signe about myself every time I go into the hospital as if she were listening, because maybe she can hear me. And then I talk about how beautiful she is hoping that she can't because she doesn't know me and I don't want to be creepy.
I've become very hopeful that she will wake up soon. The nurses and doctor keep saying that her condition hasn't changed. But I am still hopeful. I'll be waiting.
It's been a month since I first started visiting Signe. I'm holding her hand and staring at her thinking about the day she'll finally open her eyes and I'll be able to talk to her properly. Everyday I get more and more excited for that moment, but I also get more and more terrified. What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm a creep? What if she tells me to leave and not come back?
I look at the flowers I put on her bedside. How am I going to tell her that her family are gone? That's the biggest fear I have about the day she opens her eyes. She'll be heartbroken. Her life will come crashing down and she won't know what to do.
I look around to see Emily.
Her face drops when she sees my face. "Are you okay?"
I suddenly realise that I'm crying and wipe the tears from my face.
"I'm alright. Just... Thinking" I look back to Signe.
I hear Emily walk behind me and places her arm around my shoulders
"About what?" She says calmly and cautiously.
"What are we going to tell her when she wakes up? About her family? She'll be crushed. I don't know what to do.." Tears start falling down my cheeks again.
Emily leans down and gives me a hug.
"The best thing you can do Sean is be there for her. No one else can be. She'll want a friend by her side. And even though she doesn't know you, she'll know that you were here for her when no one else was"
I look at Signe and I realise that Emily is right. I should just be there for her. Granted she will have no idea who I am, but someone is better than no one, right?
Emily pulls away and looks me in the eyes.
"You care Sean, that's why you're here. You didn't and still don't want her to wake up on her own with no one beside her saying that they've been watching over her. You're a great person Sean."
I wipe my tears and smile at her.
"Thankyou Emily"
She leaves the room after giving me a kind, genuine smile.
The room goes silent. The only noise I can hear is the beeping of the machine and my heavy breathing.
I look back at Signe.
"I'm not going to leave you. Not yet. I will wait for you to wake up. I want to speak to you properly, get to know you. I want to hear your voice, see you smile."
I lean over to kiss her hand.
"Please wake up soon." I whisper.
I wake up to the sound of loud beeping. I jump up and look at the Signe's heart rate. It's speeding up.
"Emily! Someone!" I shout.
A few seconds later Emily and a male doctor rush in and look at the machine. The doctor rushes over to Signe, checking her over. He starts calling her.
I just sit still shocked. I look up at Emily who's standing just behind the doctor.
"What's happening?" I ask, hoping that it's not something bad.
Emily and the doctor look up smiling.
"I think she's waking up" the doctor exclaims.
Every emotion possible flies through me at the same time.
Signe's waking up! I sit on the edge of my seat.
We wait patiently whilst Signe's heart rate continues to increase.
Out of the corner of my eye I see movement. I look at her hand, her fingers are twitching.
"Emily! Look."
The doctor looks over and immediately checks Signe over again.
"Signe? Signe can you hear us?"
She twitches her fingers in reply.
I can't stop smiling. It's finally happening!
I look at her face and see that her face is moving slightly.
I reach for her hand and take it in mine. I rub circles into it.
Suddenly her eyes start flickering and she slowly opens her eyes, getting used to the light.
She looks around with a confused expression, presumably trying to work out where she is.
"W-What's happening?" She says quietly.
Her voice. I've finally heard her voice. After so long of waiting. I have finally heard her voice. It's so cute, her accent. I'm not sure where it's from but I love it already.
"You are in hospital love" Emily smiles at her kindly.
"You were in a car crash and you've been in a coma for the last 8 months" the doctor explains simply so that Signe will understand.
Signe's expression changes from shocked to sad to relaxed within the space of 2 seconds.
She nods in understanding.
She then turns to me. I look into her eyes. They are a beautiful mixture of green and hazel.
"Who are you?" She asks sweetly.
I smile "I'm Sean"
"Sean's visited you everyday for the past two months. He didn't want to leave you to wake up on your own."  Emily smiles proudly.
I blush and try hide my rosy cheeks.
I hear a giggle. Signe is covering her mouth slightly but I can still see a smile at the corner of her lips.
I grin at her.

The doctor gives Signe a check over to check that everything is okay and then leaves with Emily leaving me and Signe alone.
Signe looks down and notices that I'm still holding her hand. I blush.
"I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" I ask whilst pulling away slightly.
"No, no, no, it's fine" she says quickly before pausing. "It's actually kind of comforting.." She adds shyly.
I smile at her and hold her hand a bit tighter again.
She suddenly looks like she's deep in thought for a few seconds before saying "Sean..." questioningly.
"Yes...?" I ask slowly.
"Where have I heard that name before...?"
I suddenly think to all the times I told her about myself whilst she was still asleep. I blush at the memory.
She seems to notice and looks at me questioningly.
I look down "Would it possibly have something to do with the fact that I told you about myself a lot when you were still asleep?" I blush even more.
She grins and giggles. Oh my god! Her giggle is the cutest sound I've heard in my entire life!
"Maybe you got into my head somehow" she laughs.
I laugh with her.
"Could you possibly tell me about yourself again? To jog my memory" Signe smiles.
"Well.. My name is Sean, I am 18, I finished school not too long ago. I love video games and movies. My favourite flavour of ice cream is cookie dough. I am afraid of heights.
I also love coffee, penguins and nature and I can do a great R2D2 impression. WOOOOOOOO!!"
Signe is crying with laughter at this point. I can't help but grin.
Just as she calms down Emily walks into the room. She smirks at me.
"How are you getting on Signe?"
Signe looks at me and smiles."Very well Thankyou" she says.
I smile back at her.
"That's great" Emily says "is there anything you need or want?"
Signe's face droops slightly and I look at her questioningly.
"Actually there is one thing I would like to ask about..." She says quietly, looking down at her knees.
Me and Emily glance at each other. "What is it love?"
Signe takes a deep breath. "When I was in that car crash... Who was with me?"
Sadness runs through me because she's finally going to know what happened.
"You were with your family Signe.." Emily speaks quietly and slowly.
Signe's breathing hitches and I can see that a tear is starting to fall down her face. I squeeze her hand.
Signe breathes out heavily before speaking. "They didn't make it did they.."
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I hear those words. The sadness and realisation. The moment of heartbreak.
"I'm so sorry Signe.." Emily whispers sadly.
Signe lets go of my hand and puts both of hers to her face.
Her sobs get louder.
I look at Emily and see that she is crying too. We both move over to Signe and sit either side of her. We wrap our arms around her and let her cry into our shoulders.

After a while Emily tells me she needs to get around to the other patients. She lets go of us and walks out the room wiping away the tears on her face.
I keep my arms wrapped around Signe protectively as I gently rock her. She lets out the occasional whimper but otherwise stays completely silent.
We stay like that for a while. I don't care how long it's been, all I want is to help Signe.
I suddenly feel her move slightly and look up at me.
"Thankyou Sean.. I must be a right mess at the moment." She says quietly.
I shake my head gently. "No, it's understandable" I whisper back.
She stares into space for a few minutes. "I can't believe they're gone..."
I squeeze her gently and let her rest her head on my chest.
"What am I going to do? I don't have anyone to turn to, I don't have anything.."
I lift her chin so she can look at me. "Hey, I'm not going to let you down. I will do whatever it takes to help you." I say quietly.
"How though Sean..?"
"You can stay with me and my family" I smile. "We will help you"
Signe looks away. "That's very sweet of you Sean but I'd hate to be a bother.."
"You wouldn't be. You'd be anything but. We can get you anything you need. We can play video games and watch movies. Please Signe. I want to help you.. Because..." I pause.
"Because what?"
"Because... I like you..." I turn away.
I've blown it. She thinks I'm a creep. Why did I have to say that?!
My head is turned back again.
Signe looks at me for a second before closing the gap between us. She connects our lips. At first I'm shocked, but then I relax and kiss her back, her lips moulding with mine.
We pull away and stare at each other.
She smiles "I like you too Sean"
I have the biggest smile on my face.
"Will you let me help you then?" I ask.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least try.." She grins hugging me. "Thankyou Sean"
I hug her tightly. "No problem Signe"

I hope you enjoyed this (a lot) longer one shot I wrote for you guys :) (2334 words!! What?!)
I'm sorry if you cried :,( I didn't want to make it too sad but I thought the idea worked better this way. Thanks for reading!

OH!!!!! Before you go!!
(No one will care but) I have started a new story!

It's a Septiishu story (obvs :D) called 'New Girl' and the first two chapters are already up! I will also be posting the 3rd chapter of that tomorrow so you have that to look forward to :D

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