Chapter 5

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None of them understood the extent of what was about to happen. Richie didn't know how to make an exchange with a troll, nor did he know how to fight a troll. All he knew was that there was no turning back now. They had sealed their fate on the roof with the messenger, now they would have to face it. It was quite a journey to the troll's lair. It was not under a bridge, but under a mountain. Methodically sharpening his sword, he rode the dragon in silence. Thinking, trying to form a strategy. The problem was he didn't know what to expect. He didn't know anything about the proper way of handling this situation, so he didn't know how to try to make it look like they were doing it the proper way. Now that they were actually doing this he was seeing too many holes in his plan. He was losing control of his heart rate and you could see the tension in his shoulders.

Mason and Caroline sat stiffly together as far away from Richie and Bernard as they could. Mason knew what was going to happen. He knew the proper proceedings and the unchanged rituals you went through when retrieving a hostage from a troll. He knew that this plan was faulty and there was only the slightest ability for it to actually succeed. He also knew that nothing was stopping him from simply transforming and flying away. Yet something kept him stiffly next to Caroline.

She was sitting there, ram-rod straight and quivering from stress and fatigue. She couldn't relax. She was still alone on a dragon with three boys and now Mason was right next to her. She was trying not to touch him at all, but every time she swayed even the slightest his arm went and steadied her shoulders. She didn't know why he was still here. She didn't understand why she was here. What did these two boys need her for? What were they going to do to her? They claimed to be protecting her, but they couldn't possibly be.

Just then the dragon went for a steep descent. Caroline yelped and was thrown back against Mason. His arms went around her and she grabbed his hand. She actually grabbed his hand.  She couldn't have explained why she did it, it just happened. Like her hand was working outside of her brain. But she didn't really have time to notice, they were still barreling towards the earth at break-neck speeds. Then, as before, the dragon slowly extended her wings and they came to a graceful halt. Safely, once again, on the ground.

Richie quickly sheathed his sword and leapt off, but Mason was already on the ground helping Caroline down chivalrously. Worry was etched over all their faces as they looked up at the mountain and the thin line of smoke trailing from it.

"Well, here we go." Richie whispered.

"What's going on?" Caroline asked timidly.

"We are now officially holding your life in our hands," Mason said, "And we are proceeding without a plan."

"Way to go, brilliant." Richie muttered.

They exchanged glares and then they both took hold of one of Caroline's arms. Caroline pulled back, astonished.

"Let go." She whispered, "Let go!" she said a little louder, "Let go of me! Let go! Stop! Mason!" She turned pleadingly to him, her eyes wide in horror. He quickly looked away, his heart wrenching ithin himself.

"You..." she stuttered, "You promised."

He could feel her trembling as he held tightly to her arm.

"I haven't broken my promise. Trust me, you'll know when I have." He said, still not looking at her.

They began walking forward, dragging poor Caroline along with them towards the tall, looming mountain. All of a sudden a roar filled their ears and the ground trembled. The next thing they knew they were falling straight down, then shooting up into the air. Caroline screamed as she clung now to Mason. Without taking more than a few steps they were suddenly at the top of the mountain, inside a sort of cave entrance.

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