Chapter 15 THE END

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Mason felt something wet on his shoulder, and something was shaking around his neck. He blinked groggily and sat up. He looked down and saw Caroline crying on his shoulder.

“Caroline?” he mumbled.

She looked up at him in alarm, then put her head back down and cried some more. Mason couldn’t figure what was wrong, or why she was there. He was supposed to be dead, and she was supposed to be with Gail. He looked up and saw Gail as a fire giant with his arms crossed standing over them. Mason jumped up, with Caroline still clinging to him.

“Gail, what are you doing?” Mason gasped.

“Well, let’s have in overview. I’m in charge now. I am pretty much all powerful anyway, but that “almost” has really been bugging me lately. You are the most powerful changeling alive. You now belong to me, and I, unlike that dim-wit Silvia, know how to use you. Get that girl off of you and come along.”

Mason frowned. He was being ordered to do the thing he least wanted to do, leave Caroline, but could he defy his master? What would happen if a changeling defied authority? What made him so much more powerful than any other changeling? He couldn’t hurt Caroline, but she would be better off without him. She would be out of the way of the mystical world and be able to live a normal life. He would have to give in to Gail, for her sake.

Caroline had a feeling deep in her heart that Mason was struggling terribly. He had been owned all his life and now he didn’t feel as though this choice was his either. She would hold on to him a little longer, but it was just a matter of time until he pulled her off and handed her over to Richie. Then she wouldn’t be able to fight any longer, she knew that. She would have to succumb and there would be no rescue for Mason. He had the choice of freedom, but he wouldn’t take it. He was too scared.

Mason reached up a moment later and took hold of Caroline’s arms and pulled her away from him.

“Caroline, go with Richie. You’ll be okay.” Mason instructed.

“Mason,” she cried, “Freedom is yours, all you have to do is take it.”

“I can’t.” Mason said. He pushed her towards Richie, but instead she veered and ran at Gail with all her might. She ran headlong into him and began mindlessly pounding his leg with her tiny fists.

Gail roared and picked her up by her leg. She let out a scream.

“Everyone,” Gail gasped, “Everyone is trying to do what’s best for you, but you don’t have the sense enough to go along with them. Such a stupid person does not deserve to survive.”

“I thought you helped us.” Caroline yelled, “Why did you help us only to do this now?”

“I freed Richie from the Queen because I knew he would dispatch her for me. I knew that with the Queen dead another, most likely weaker one, would be appointed. I can control weak personages. I wanted to control the Queen. I knew that once the Queen was killed Richie would be a target, then I could save him, and you too, then let you think that Mason was not savable. You would leave, then I would take over. My plan worked well, except that Bernard here was more educated in elfin magic than I had assumed. I can still control the throne, even though he might resist more than others might have. I still have Mason, and with Mason I am almost unstoppable. I don’t plan on taking over the world right away, maybe in the next few days.” He laughed evilly, “I am however, very put out with you. I have decided to dispatch you.”

“No!” A scream from below split and vibrated the air. Mason had been stuck frozen in horror, but now he realized what he had to do. He closed his eyes and transformed.

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