Part Four - More than meets the eyes

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Darien persuaded Miss Frumpy to have lunch with him as a way of making up for his earlier insult. She agreed tentatively. The strolled down Carroll Street until they made their way to Henry Street where a quaint sushi restaurant beckoned for their patronage. He held the door for her and they took a seat at a table nearest to the sushi counter, furthest from the walls. The dark wood furniture was simple, the place settings of a plate, napkin, and chop sticks were inviting. They ordered waters and glanced over menus that were handed to them by their server.

He glanced up from his menu more than once to observe his guest. She chewed on her bottom lip as she examined the options of the menu. Was she nervous or indecisive about what to choose? He noticed that behind the reflective lenses of her glasses, her eyes were a strange topaz brown, giving them a gemlike glow. Her skin had an olive tint to it. Some time in the sun would give her skin a warm tone. From what he had gathered so far, he knew that she did not tarry too long outdoors.

His observations were interrupted when the server came for their order. She ordered the tofu steak teriyaki entrée. He ordered the California roll. He wasn't that into sushi.

"So what do you do for fun?" he asked, trying to dislodge the awkwardness as they waited for their food to arrive.

She took a sip of water before answering, hugging her arms around chest. "I read, I guess. I am a member of a book club. Nothing special."

"Ah," he replied pensively. Could the girl get anymore boring?

Just then a choo choo sound came from somewhere in her purse; the kind that steam locomotives made. What a curious text tone. She dug out her cell phone and glanced at her screen for a few seconds. Again, she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Anything important?" he asked casually.

She looked up from her phone and, for the first time, she met his eyes directly. "My book club."

Was she smirking?

"Oh, really? Promotion for the next book to be discussed?" he asked, growing increasingly more curious. There was something about Ophelia Fontaine that did not exactly fit the Miss Frumpy persona. An aura of mystery that defied the eccentric dullness she portrayed. Who was she really? A nagging feeling in his gut told him that all that he had come to know about this woman was not all that it seemed.

Their lunch came to the table and their conversation hit a standstill as they enjoyed their meals. She was proficient with chop sticks, he noticed. Darien preferred to use a fork. The idea of eating with two sticks held no appeal for a practical man such as himself.

She excuses herself to the ladies room after their waiter had taken their emptied plates away. Darien seized the opportunity to snatch up her phone, which she had foolishly left behind on the table, and search its contents. There was no screen lock password for him to try and hack through, so he made easy work of finding her messages. He pulled up her last received message and read it quickly, frequently looking up in the direction of the restrooms.

The message was a time and place. He memorized both and, upon hearing approaching footsteps, he quickly returned the cell to its original location. One second later, Ophelia rounded the corner and approached their table.

"Well, Mr. St. Clare," she said on a heaving sigh as she grabbed for her phone and purse. "It has been a pleasure and all, but I must be on my way."

"Fair enough," Darien answered, standing up and tucking away his chair. "Take care, Miss Fontaine. Maybe I will see you again sometime soon."

A fleeting smile passed over her lips. "Maybe, Mr. St. Clare."

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