Part Nine - One Left Behind

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Lady Fae led Darien up a creaky flight of stairs at the back of the pub. After climbing twenty seven steps, they came to a small landing in which four rooms branched off of. She knocked on the door in the far left corner, putting her ear to the well worn wood. A smile curled her lips as she heard something respond from the other side, and turned the knob to gain entry.

From inside, a cheery voice greeted them. "Oh, Fae! You are here!"

"Of course I am, silly girl. How could I not come?" Ophelia greeted, rushing to the bedside to grasp the hand of the girl that laid there with outstretched arms.

The girls was a pretty blonde with dark brown eyes. From what Darien could see from his spot on the threshold, she was petite and weak. She appeared to be ill, and bedridden by the looks of it. She turned a bright smile to Darien, acknowledging him with warm brown eyes.

"This is Darien St. Clare," Lady Fae introduced with a wane smile. "Mr. Breckinridge sent him after me."

The blonde's lips flipped into a frown as she returned her attention to her friend. "He did? Is this man an assassin or something?"

Lady Fae laughed. "Not in the least, Aurelie. He is a private investigator. Do you truly believe your father would send such a sordid person after me?"

"Father?" Darien asked, but neither lady was listening to him.

Her expression severe, the blonde said, "I know that he would if he felt it would get results. Ophelia, you must be careful with him. He is not a man to be trifled with."

"Her father?" he asked again, but much louder.

Ophelia sighed, dragging her worried gaze to Darien. "May I introduce Aurelie Breckenridge. She is the only daughter of our employer, Mr. Breckenridge."

"And what is she doing here in 1876? What the hell is going on?" He could feel is heart beat begin to thunder in his chest as his ire and confusion increased. This was suppose to be a simple case, a case that would pay off his debts and free him from obligation. From what he was gathering, it was turning out to be anything but, and he did not like it in the least.

"It is a long story," Aurelie said, trying to smile, but failing to do so. "You met my father. What did you think of him?"

Darien's memory flitted back to his meeting with the white haired CEO in his throne room of ice. "I found him to be cold. Why?"

Aurelie's eyes became sad and somewhat withdrawn. "You are a keen man, Mr. St. Clare. My father will use any means necessary to further his career and maintain control of any situation. Even use his own daughter against her will."

When Darien only narrowed his eyes with suspicion, she continued to press forward. "My leg is broken, two of my ribs cracked, and my arm fractured."

"He did this to you?" Darien asked, his breathing coming in quick rasps as his anger steadily rose. He clenched his fists so tight that his fingernails bit mercilessly into his palms. "But why?"

Lady Fae stood and faced him resolutely. It was she that answered this particular question. "Aurelie is like me, but in a different way. She can touch a persons and see what it is they are to become. Her father used this talent to burrow out the top talents and innovative geniuses in the world. She could touch them and know precisely what their potential was. Breckenridge used this to his fullest advantage."

"Until I finally drew the line and refused to help. This was the reward for my bravery," Aurelie muttered solemnly.

It was only then that Darien noticed that the fragile Aurelie wore gloves as well; dainty leather gloves with floral embroidery on the backs of them. It was almost as if he walked into an alternative reality where the impossible thrived and logic was impaired. Instead of being whisked into the past, a barely fathomable idea, he had been kidnapped and placed firmly in a DC comic book.

To Lady Fae he said, "so you are Ariella Kent, aka Supergirl , I assume." He then turned to Aurelie. "And you, I would guess, are Nura Nal , aka Dream Girl. Though I don't suppose you need to be asleep to see the future."

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